Soon Iconic WordPad Remove From Microsoft Windows After about 30 Years

Microsoft has made it official that Wordpad Remove:

Soon Iconic WordPad Remove From Microsoft Windows

WordPad, the basic word processing tool that’s been a staple of the Windows operating system for nearly three decades, will no longer be included in future Windows releases. This application, which was introduced alongside Windows 95 in 1995, has been a free and straightforward option for handling text documents within the Windows ecosystem. However, its era within the Windows family is coming to an end.

Microsoft WordPad is a simple and easy Word Processing Program that is used for rich text files like .doc and .rtf and Windows Notepad simple text editor program used for normal text files like .txt. Recently, Microsoft said in their official note that WordPad is no longer being updated and will be removed soon in a future release of Windows.

Microsoft has recently upgraded its free Notepad tool with some handy features, like automatic tab saving, reopening the same file and open multiple tabs simultaneously. However, it’s important to note that Notepad as a text-editor is more limited than WordPad. Notepad is mainly for plain text documents, and it can’t handle more complex documents like WordPad can. If you need to work on larger and more sophisticated files, Microsoft Word is the way to go.

Right now, Microsoft is busy working on a new operating system for Windows based computers. According to the reports, they might release it as Windows 12 in 2024. The latest and big update for WordPad happened with Windows OS 7. They made it look more modern by changing the old interface to something called the Ribbon UI.

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