Elon Musk Says Only Verified Premium Users Can Participate In Polls On X

Polls on X


Elon Musk recently said that on a platform called “X,” only people who pay for the service (premium users) will be allowed to take part in polls, including those about political topics. People who use the app for free won’t be able to vote in these polls. This change is being made to prevent automated programs, called bots, from influencing the results and to ensure that the poll outcomes are accurate.

A person named Brian Krassenstein suggested that the platform should only let users with blue checkmarks (probably indicating verified or trusted users) participate in polls. Elon Musk said that this change is coming soon.

Shut down many bots recently, more to be shut down

Elon Musk has announced that they’re making a change to the way polls work. From now on, only verified users will be able to vote in polls. This change is important because it will help prevent fake accounts, known as bots, from spamming polls, especially when the topics are controversial. Additionally, Musk mentioned that they’ve already taken action to shut down many of these bots earlier this week.

Voice and video calls feature will be available soon

Elon Musk has announced that they plan to add voice and video call features to the X platform. Soon, users will be able to make calls to each other using this platform without needing to save each other’s phone numbers. This feature will be accessible to users on Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows operating systems, making it available to a wide range of people using different devices.

Musk will collect all your biometric data or history

Elon Musk’s company, which may be associated with Twitter, plans to collect various types of information about you, such as your biometric data, work history, and educational background. They also want to gather data from open sources and Twitter itself. They’re doing this to improve their AI tool called “xAI.” In their updated privacy policy, they mention that they’ll use publicly available information for training their AI models, as long as it aligns with their stated purposes. Essentially, they’re using this data to make their AI tool better. If you want to know more, it’s a good idea to read their privacy policy for the full details.

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