Class 9 – IT 402 Electronic Spreadsheet – MCQs

Class 9 IT (Code 402)- Electronic Spreadsheet NCERT-Based MCQs: Practice makes perfect! Here, we’ve curated a set of Solved NCERT-based multiple-choice questions to test your understanding of the Electronic Spreadsheet Unit of Class 9 – Information Technology (Code 402) session and chapter-wise. These MCQs are designed to help you gauge your knowledge and identify areas for improvement for CBSE examination.

Class 9 IT 402 Electronic Spreadsheet MCQs

MCQ 1: Which of the following help us to perform various calculations?
a. Writer
b. Spreadsheet
c. Impress
d. None of these

MCQ 2: Spreadsheet is used for:
a. managing financial and accounting documents
b. creating data reports
c. data analysis
d. All of the above

MCQ 3: Spreadsheet packages also provide built-in ____ formulae.
a. Mathematical
b. Statistical
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of these

MCQ 4: Which of the following is not a Spreadsheet Software?
a. Microsoft Excel
b. OpenOffice Calc
c. LibreOffice Calc
d. None of these

MCQ 5: In ____ Operating System, the LibreOffice gets installed by default.
a. Windows
b. Linux (Ubuntu)
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of these

MCQ 6: Method to open LibreOffice Calc in Windows is:
a. double-click the shortcut of LibreOffice Calc on desktop
b. click the window menu, select LibreOffice application, then click LibreOffice Calc
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

MCQ 7: Quick Access Tool bar icon is present on ____.
a. Menu bar
b. Title bar
c. Standard Tool bar
d. Status bar

MCQ 8: Default name of spreadsheet open in LibreOffice Calc is ____.
a. untitled X, where X is a number
b. calc X, where X is a number
c. spreadsheet X, where X is a number
d. None of the above

MCQ 9: In LibreOffice Calc Scroll bar is present on ____ and ____ side of window.
a. left, right
b. bottom, right
c. right, top
d. top, bottom

MCQ 10: By default ____ sheets is/are present in LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Find exam-oriented chapter or unit-wise multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on MS Office and OpenOffice for CBSE Class 9 to help you prepare for examinations

MCQ 11: In LibreOffice Calc, Row headings are in ____.
a. numbers
b. alphabets
c. alphanumeric
d. None of these

MCQ 12: ____ contains the menus with commands for various tasks.
a. Status bar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Standard Toolbar
d. Menu bar

MCQ 13: ____ is located just below the Title bar.
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Menu bar
c. Formatting Toolbar
d. None of these

MCQ 14: ____ is the shortcut to exit LibreOffice.
a. Ctrl + Q
b. Ctrl + X
c. Ctrl + E
d. None of these

MCQ 15: Cut, Copy, Paste options are available in ____ menu.
a. File
b. Edit
c. Format
d. View

MCQ 16: Insert Cells, Insert Rows, Insert Columns options are available in ____ menu.
a. File
b. Insert
c. Sheet
d. Data

MCQ 17: Placing the mouse cursor over any icon displays a small box called ____ which gives a brief explanation of the icon.
a. Toolbar
b. Toolbox
c. Tooltip
d. All of these

MCQ 18: ____ shows the address of Active Cell.
a. Name Box
b. Formula bar
c. Current Cell
d. None of these

MCQ 19: The Worksheet in Calc is also referred to as ____.
a. Workbook
b. Sheet
c. Spreadsheet
d. None of these

MCQ 20: Columns are ____ in the table.
a. horizontal
b. diagonal
c. vertical
d. None of these

MCQ 21: Column Heading of 27th Column in Calc sheet is ____.
a. AA
b. AB
c. Z
d. ZA

MCQ 22: The intersection of a row and column is called ____.
a. Cell Address
b. Point of intersection
c. Cell
d. None of these

MCQ 23: Which of the following is invalid Cell Address?
a. A1
b. 91A
c. Z247
d. None of these

MCQ 24: Which of the following is not true about Currently Selected Cell?
a. Currently Selected cell is called Active cell
b. Currently Selected Cell’s Address is visible in Name box
c. Currently Selected Cell have thick border
d. None of the above

MCQ 25: Address of cell formed by intersection of tenth column and nineteenth row is ____.
a. K19
b. 19K
c. J19
d. 19J

MCQ 26: Cell address of first row and first column ____.
a. A1
b. A-1
c. 1A
d. All of the above

MCQ 27: Which key combination moves the active cell (Selected Cell) to the end of the data range in a particular direction?
a. Ctrl + Home
b. Ctrl + Arrow keys
c. Ctrl + End
d. None of these

MCQ 28: Which key combination (Selected Cell) moves the active cell to A1 cell?
a. Ctrl + Home
b. Ctrl + Arrow keys
c. Ctrl + End
d. None of these

MCQ 29: Which key / key combination moves the worksheet one screen up?
a. Ctrl + Up Arrow Key
b. Ctrl + Page Up
c. Page Up
d. None of these

MCQ 30: A block of adjacent cells in a worksheet which is highlighted or selected is called ____.
a. Block of cells
b. Range of cells
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of these

MCQ 31: In LibreOffice Calc, ____ is any text entered by using a keyboard.
a. Values
b. Label
c. Range of cells
d. None of these

MCQ 32: By default labels are ____ aligned.
a. left
b. right
c. top
d. None of these

MCQ 33: The data consisting of only numbers are called ____.
a. Labels
b. Functions
c. Values
d. None of these

MCQ 34: By default characters are ____ aligned.
a. top
b. right
c. left
d. None of these

MCQ 35: By default Values (numbers) are ____ aligned.
a. top
b. right
c. left
d. None of these

MCQ 36: Any expressions that begins with an equals ‘=’ is treated as ____.
a. function
b. formula
c. both a. and
d. None of these

MCQ 37: By default ____ sheets is/are present in MS Excel 2007.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

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