Class 9 – Part B – Unit 3 – Digital Documentation – MCQs
Class 9 IT (Code 402)- Digital Documentation NCERT-Based MCQs: Practice makes perfect! Here, we’ve curated a set of Solved NCERT-based multiple-choice questions to test your understanding of the Digital Documentation Unit of Class 9 – Information Technology (Code 402) session and chapter-wise. These MCQs are designed to help you gauge your knowledge and identify areas for improvement for CBSE examination.
Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQs
Topic – Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQs
MCQ 1: Which of following is not a component of the Office Suite?
a. Writer
b. Impress
c. Internet Explorer
d. Base
MCQ 2: The most widely used word processing software in late 1970s was ____.
a. Word Perfect
b. Word
c. Word Star
d. Writer
MCQ 3: We can change the mistakes noticed in which of the following?
a. Electronic typewriter
b. Word processor software
c. Simple typewriter
d. Both a. and b.
MCQ 4: A ____ is a paper with written contents.
a. Document
b. Evidence
c. Documentation
d. None of these
MCQ 5: The process of preparing a document is called ____.
a. Documentary
b. Documenting
c. Documentation
d. None of these
MCQ 6: A data entry operator should possess ____ skills.
a. Good Typing speed
b. Good understanding of Office tools like Writer, Calc etc
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
MCQ 7: ____ is the use of computer software to enter, edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.
a Word processing
b. Documentation
c. Word processor
d. None of these
MCQ 8: The term word processing was invented by ____.
a. Intel
b. HP
c. IBM
d. Microsoft
MCQ 9: A ____ is a computer application used for edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.
a. Word Processing
b. Digital Documentation
c. Word Processor
d. None of these
MCQ 10: In the beginning ____ was the most widely used word processing software.
a. WordStart
b. WordStar
c. Microsoft Word
d. Writer
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MCQ 11: Which shortcut key is used for automatic spell checking?
MCQ 12: In typewriter, if any typing error occurs then ____.
a. it can be easily rectified
b. needs to use special eraser
c. whole sheet is required to be typed again
d. None of the above
MCQ 13: Limitations of typewriter is/are ____.
a. Typewriter does not have all the required characters or symbols
b. It is not possible to produce a document in the desired format in typewriter
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
MCQ 14: Web-based word processer are:
a. Google Docs
b. Office 365 Word
c. Microsoft OneDrive Word
d. All of the above
MCQ 15: To start LibreOffice Writer in Windows _____.
a. Double-click LibreOffice Writer shortcut available on desktop
b. Click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Writer from application window
e. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
MCQ 16: To open a new document:
a. Press Ctrl + N from Keyboard
b. Click on File Menu New Text Document
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
MCQ 17: In Writer, by default, the file is saved in ____ format.
a. .odf
b. .odt
b. .ods
d. None of these
MCQ 18: We can save the file with another name using ____ option.
a Save As (F12)
b. Ctrl + S
c. Save
d. All of these
MCQ 19: To close the file, select ____.
a. File > Close
b. File > Out
c. File Quit
d. None of these
MCQ 20: To open an already existing file, press ____ from keyboard.
a. Ctrl + N
b. Ctrl + A
c. Ctrl + O
d. None of these
MCQ 21: Top most bar of Writer Window is ____.
a. Title bar
b. Status bar
c. Menu bar
d. Scroll bar
MCQ 22: ____ shows the title of the currently opened document.
a. Task bar
b. Menu bar
c. Title bar
d. Status bar
MCQ 23: In Writer the default name of the document is ____.
a. Document1
b. Writer1
c. Untitled1
d. None of these
MCQ 24: ____ appears below the Title Bar.
a. Format Toolbar
b. Menu Bar
c. Standard Toolbar
d. Scroll Bar
MCQ 25: The submenu item (of Menu bar) which shows three dots ‘…’ means:
a. nothing
b. a dialog box will open
c. a submenu will open
d. None of these
MCQ 26: The submenu item (of Menu bar) which shows right hand side arrows ‘>’ means:
a. nothing
c. a submenu will open
b. a dialog box will open
d. None of these
MCQ 27: Which toolbar shows icons of Cut, Copy and Paste?
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Menu Bar
d. None of these
MCQ 28: ____ bar is present at the bottom of the Writer window.
a. Status
b. Horizontal Scroll
c. Vertical Scroll
d. None of these
MCQ 29: Which bar is used to move document up and down?
a. Menu Bar
b. Horizontal Scroll Bar
c. Vertical Scroll Bar
d. None of these
MCQ 30: From which menu, you can select various toolbars?
a. File Menu
b. View Menu
c. Tool Menu
d. Edit Menu
MCQ 31: Zoom Slider is available on ____ bar.
a. Status
b. Formatting
c. Standard
d. Scroll
MCQ 32: Header and Footer is available in which of the following menus?
a. File Menu
b. View Menu
c. Insert Menu
d. Edit Menu
MCQ 33: To hide or view ruler we should go to which of the following menus?
a. Tools Menu
b. View Menu
c. Insert Menu
d. Edit Menu
MCQ 34: To check the grammar we should go to which of the following menus?
a. Tools Menu
b. View Menu
c. Insert Menu
d. Edit Menu
MCQ 35: To replace a word Bombay with Mumbai, we should go to which of the following menus?
a. Tools Menu
b. View Menu
c. Edit Menu
d. Language Menu
MCQ 36: To close an opened document, we should to go to which of the following menus?
a. File Menu
c. View Menu
b. Insert Menu
d. Edit Menu
MCQ 37: Which of the following technique selects a sentence in Writer?
a. Single Click (Pressing left button of mouse)
b. Double Click
c. Triple Click
d. None of the above
MCQ 38: Spellings are corrected automatically in Writer because of which of the following features?
a. Auto Text
b. Auto Complete
c. Auto Correct
d. All of these
MCQ 39: The default table size is ____.
a. 1 column, 1 row
b. 2 columns, 2 rows
c. 2 columns, 1 row
d. 1 column, 2 rows
MCQ 40: What is the shape of the mouse pointer when drawing a table?
a. Pencil
b. Black pointing arrow
c. White pointing arrow
d. Black plus