Class 9 – IT 402 Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills – Notes

Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills

Home Row keys

  • The home row keys also called as Home Keys. (*Home key is different in keyboard) These are the row of keys on the computer keyboard your fingers rest on when not typing.
  • For example on the standard QWERTY keyboard, the ‘home row key’ keys are:
    • for your left hand:- A, S, D and F
    • for your right hand are:-  ; (semi-colon) , L, K, J
      • F  and J are called guide keys for left and right hand respectively. Because both contain a small highlighted tangible mark.

The blinking cursor is used as guide for typing

Why is it important to maintain a proper posture while working on a computer?

While working on a computer, it is important for the user to maintain the correct posture as the ideal working posture minimizes both static and dynamic muscle loads. Correct position of the body helps to make you avoid  health complications.
The few points mentioned below can help the user to maintain correct posture.

  • Always keep your back straight
  • Keep your elbows set at the right angleAvoid using wrist rests or cushions
  • Adjust the monitor height and tilt if possible
  • Exercise your hands

Pointing device and its uses

It is an Input device that is used to point an object on the computer screen. By using this you can point, select, open, draw, play games and even drag/drop an item on the  computer screen.

Examples: mouse, trackball, joystick, light pen, touchpad, touch screen etc.

Difference between a mechanical mouse and an optical mouse?

A mechanical mouse has a ball that turns rollers inside. When you change directions with the mouse, you must make the ball change rolling directions an action that inertia likes to prevent.

An optical mouse makes use of an LED and some optics to detect surface texture and the changes in it as the mouse is moved. There are no moving parts.

What is the minimum typing speed?

40 WPM (Words Per Minute) – Good typing speed

Thus you should aim for a typing speed of at least 40 WPM to keep up a standard level of efficiency at work. For some professions the standards are higher. To land a job as a personal assistant, you might be required to type at least 60 words per minute.

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