Class 9 – IT 402 Communication Skills – I – Notes

Unit 1 – IT 402 Communication Skills – II

Communication Skills means how do we communicate with each other. It includes the different areas like listening, speaking, observing or expressing the views.


It is the process of transferring or sharing of information between two or more people. It is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share a new meaning. (Latin word ‘Communicare’ means Share)

Methods / Types of Communication

1. Verbal Communication is the most popular means of sharing information or ideas. People use words to exchange thoughts, feelings and ideas with others.
a. Oral Communication using words orally (using mouth, vocal, spoken words)
b. Written Communication using written words

2. Non-verbal Communication happens in the absence of any oral or composed words. Instead of written or oral words, it depends on different non-verbal prompts like body movements, gestures, facial expressions, symbols, images, signals charts, and so on to express sentiments (feelings), attitudes or information.
Elements of non-verbal communication: Appearance, Body Language, Tome, Eye Contact, Facial Expressions

3. Visual Communication is the transmission of information and ideas using symbols and graphics or imagery. It is believed to be the type that people rely on most, and it includes signs, graphic designs, films, typography, and countless other examples.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Instant response or feedbackNo legal validity or proof
Higher scope of understanding and clarityNo permanent record
Saves timeNot suitable for lengthy messages
Cost effectiveSometimes difficult to understand the accent
Body gestures, expressions or emotions visible 

Advantages & Disadvantages of Written Communication

It has legal validity or proofNo Instant response or feedback
Can be draft thoughtfullyNot cost effective
Suitable for lengthy messagesRequired time for drafting
It has permanent recordExpressions or emotions not visible

Advantages & Disadvantages of Non-verbal Communication

It compliments verbal communicationNot possible in long conversation
Greatly help disabled peopleDifficult to analyse

Advantages & Disadvantages of Visual Communication

Use of graphics makes comm. meaningfulSometimes complex graphs make communication
Technology makes communication interestingCostly due to use of technical equipment

Communication Cycle

Elements of Communication Cycle

Sender is the person from whom the message drafts
Message is the information that the sender wants to convey
Encoding is the way of drafting the message in an appropriate form for sending
Channel is the medium to convey the message
Receiver is the person to the message sent or conveyed
Decoding is the way to understand or interprets the message by receiver
Feedback is the receiver’s response to the message

Barriers in Communication

It is an obstacle that prevents that receiver from receiving and understanding the message that has been sent by a sender. If a message is not understood clearly, it may lead to communication gaps, causing confusion and misunderstanding.

Types of Barriers

Linguistic barrier due to language
Psychological barrier due to negative body signals, fear of failure, lack of knowledge, understanding or confidence
Emotional barrier due to a lack of emotional awareness or control
Physical barrier due to noise, environment, surroundings etc.
Cultural barrier due to different cultures
Attitudinal barrier due to introverts (alone/limited) or over friendly behaviour
Perception barrier different people perceive the same message differently
Technological barrier due to technological advancements not easy to understand the message

Measures to overcome barriers

> Before starting your communication, highlight the key points.
> Focus on clear pronunciation and slowing down your speech.
> Have a positive attitude about communication.
> Use simple communication medium / language
> Learn and practice accepting imperfections in yourself as well as others
> Must communicate in an environment that is spacious, comfortable and relevant to what one talks about.
> The audience may make assumptions and presume about you or the situation.
> Give new examples to retain their interest.
> Ask for feedback and take it seriously.

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