Class 12 Web Applications 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2019

Series BVM
Question Paper Code 320 Set 4

(Session 2018-19)

Time allowed : 2.5 hours
Maximum Marks : 50

General Instructions :

  1. This question paper contains 31 questions out of which the candidate needs to attempt only 23 questions.
  2. Question paper is divided into two sections.
    • Multiple choice questions / Fill in the blanks/Direct questions : contains total 12 questions of 1 mark each. Answer any 10 questions.
    • Very short answer type questions : contains total 7 questions of 2 marks each. Answer any 5 questions.
    • Short answer type questions : contains total 7 questions of 3 marks each. Answer any 5 questions.
    Long answer / Essay type questions : contains total 5 questions of 5 marks each. Answer any 3 questions.


I. Multiple Choice Questions (Attempt any ten from the following) : (1X10=10)

1. ____ lists the common tasks that may be needed to perform while making a movie including importing files, editing and publishing the movie.
(a) Preview Monitor
(b) Timeline
(c) Storyboard
(d) Tasks Pane

2. NLE stands for ____.
(a) No Long Editing
(b) Non Linear Editing
(c) Audio Video Interchange
(d) Audio Video Interval

3. ____ is a free open source 3D content creation suite available under GNU license.
(a) Movica
(b) Windows Movie Maker
(c) Blender
(d) AVIedit

4. Which one of the following can be considered as multimedia ?
(a) Plain Text
(b) Image
(c) Animation
(d) Spreadsheet

5. Which extension identifies a webpage ?
(a) .html
(b) .css
(c) .gif
(d) .swf

6. NaN+5= ____
(a) false
(b) 0
(c) 5
(d) NaN

7. Which one of the following is not a valid datatype in JavaScript ?
(a) Number
(b) List
(c) Time
(d) Decimal

8. ____ is an example of an audio file.
(a) .dib
(b) .wma
(c) .mp3
(d) .tiff

9. ____ Timeline appears as a magnifying glass with a (+) sign in it.
(a) Play
(b) Pause
(c) Audio
(d) Zoom

10. Document object uses ____ method to output some text to the page-document.
(a) load()
(b) active()
(c) write()
(d) output()

11. What will be the output of the following JavaScript statement ?
(a) 3450
(b) 34500
(c) 355
(d) 345

12. Which method in JavaScript removes and returns the last item ?
(a) pop()
(b) push()
(c) join()
(d) slice()

II. Attempt any five questions : (2X5)=10

13. What is a movie ? Write any two ways to share a movie.

14. If we have a video or audio file that was divided into clips when it was imported into Windows Movie Maker, and the clips are named Clip1, Clip2 and Clip3, can we combine Clip1 and Clip3 ? Give reason to support your answer.

15. Write steps to avoid including the title, author in the published movie file.

16. Differentiate between Client side JavaScript and Server side JavaScript.

17. What will be the output of the following ?
A=‘‘Be positive’’
(a) var d = A.indexOf(‘‘positive’’)
(b) document.write(A.length)

18. Explain the purpose of Add-ins. Write the step to install a downloaded Add-in.

19. What is IntelliSense ? Write steps to view IntelliSense.

III. Attempt any five questions : (3X5=15)

20. Name the two views where the project in Windows Movie Maker project is created and edited. Out of the two, which is the default view ? Also write one point of difference between them.

21. What happens when we trim a clip ? Write steps to undo a trimmed clip.

22. Write any three advantages of using Multimedia on Web Pages.

23. Assuming variable A holds 25 and B holds 2, identify the type of operator and write the output of the following :
(a) (B–)
(b) (A! = B)

24. Define an Event. Write any two commonly used Events.

25. Why is it important to backup websites ? Write any one reason. Also, write steps to take a backup of the website containing static pages.

26. Samantha has created a website that has web pages that gives information on first aid. With respect to the above description, classify the website as static or dynamic. Also, differentiate between Static and Dynamic websites.


IV. Attempt any three questions : (5X3=15)

27. Write JavaScript code to :
(a) Display a confirm box with the message ‘‘Do you want to continue ?’’.
(b) Create an array X.
(c) Store ‘‘Top’’, ‘‘Bottom’’ in the array X.
(d) Store Date and Time in variable B.
(e) Print the message ‘‘Welcome’’ on a web page.

28. Write any five features of JavaScript.

29. What is MIDI ? Write three advantages of MIDI.

30. Write any five ways of embedding a video in a webpage.

31. List any three ways in which Windows Movie Maker uses a temporary file storage location. Write steps to change the default file storage location in Windows Movie Maker.

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