Class 12 Typography & Computer Application 817 Previous Year Question Paper 2022 (New) – Solution

Series HMJ
Question Paper Code 341 Set 4

(Session 2019-20)

Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 30

General Instructions :

  1. This question paper consists of two parts viz. Section A : Employability Skills and Section B : Subject Skills.
  2. Section A : Employability Skills (10 Marks)
    • Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each.
    • Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each.
  3. Section B : Subject Skills (50 Marks)
    • Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each.
    • Answer any 5 questions from the given 7 questions of 2 marks each.
    • Answer any 5 questions from the given 7 questions of 3 marks each.
    • Answer any 3 questions from the given 5 questions of 5 marks each.
  4. This question paper contains 42 questions out of which 30 questions are to be answered.
  5. All questions of a particular part/section must be attempted in the correct order.
  6. The maximum time allowed is 3 hrs.

SECTION A : Employability Skills (10 Marks)

Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each. (1X4=4)

1. In the communication process, a receiver is the person who ____ a message.
a) encodes
b) decodes
c) writes
d) records

2. Shyness is a ____ illness.
a) mental
b) physical
c) seasonal
d) terminal

3. Manners involve general ____ guidelines.
a) behavioural
b) fighting
c) creating
d) diplomatic

4. The term Bit stands for ____ digit.
Answer: Binary

5. ____ skills are required for the post of Stenographer.
a) Shorthand and Typewriting
b) Counting and Calculating
c) Singing and Dancing
d) Guiding and Teaching

6. Business is a/an ____ activity.
a) religious
b) political
c) social
d) economic

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each. (2X3=6)

7. ‘Chronic stress is the stress that wears at people day after day.’ Explain.
Answer: Chronic stress is ongoing and long-lasting tension that increases over time and affecting people every day. It can potentially cause negative impacts on both physical and mental health.

8. Explain any four advantages of oral communication.
Answer: Oral communication has several advantages:
(i) Clarity: It allows for immediate clarification and feedback.
(ii) Cost-Effective: Especially in real-time interactions, oral communication can be more cost-effective than written communication.
(iii) Expressiveness: Gestures and facial expressions enhance the expressiveness of the message.
(iv) Relationship-building: It allows individuals to connect on a personal level.

9. How can you build self-confidence for a presentation ?
Answer: To build self-confidence for a presentation, practice extensively, know your material well, visualize success, maintain positive body language, focus on the message rather than personal concerns, and embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.

10. What is Internet ?
Answer: The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers, enabling the exchange of information and communication through various protocols such as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

11. What may be the problems in Entrepreneurship ?
Answer: Entrepreneurship faces various problems and challenges, including financial constraints, market competition, regulatory hurdles, uncertainty, and the risk of failure. Additionally, issues such as lack of experience, limited resources, and the need for constant adaptation pose ongoing obstacles for entrepreneurs.

SECTION B : Subject Skills (50 Marks)

Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each. (1X10=10)

12. There are ____ styles of Business Letters.
Answer: four

13. N.P. sign is used in manuscript for ____ .
Answer: start a new paragraph

14. A ____ is a graphical representation of worksheet data.
Answer: chart

15. E-business is the conduct of business on the ____ .
Answer: internet

16. Oral presentations have the ____ basic purposes.
Answer: three

17. Scatter chart is also known as ____ chart.
Answer: scattergram

18. Which menu provides a command to change the layout of your slide ?
Answer: Slide Layout

19. Name the word to be used in typewriting for a complimentary close in a D.O. letters.
Answer: Yours truly

20. ____ command helps in substituting the searched text with some other text.
Answer: replace

21. Define Manuscript.
Answer: Manuscript refers to a handwritten or typed piece of text, such as a book or a document, before it is published.

22. A new presentation can be saved by pressing ____ keys.
Answer: CTRL + S

23. The full form of SMTP is ____ .
Answer: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Answer any 5 questions from the given 7 questions of 2 marks each. (2X5=10)

24. Give the names of any four types of business letters.
Answer: There are many types of business letters, each serving a specific purpose. Here are four common types:
(i) Application Letter
(ii) Apology Letter
(iii) Promotion Letter
(iv) Invitation Letter
(v) Complaint Letter

25. What do the following manuscript signs indicate ?
Answer: (A) This stands for “transpose” and indicates that the text should be rearranged or that two elements should switch places.
(C) This is often used to mark a new paragraph or to indicate a break in the text.
(D) This stands for “center” and is an instruction to center-align the text or element that follows it.

26. What is the difference between Worksheet and Workbook ?
Answer: A workbook is an Excel file containing one or more worksheets. It is also known as Spreadsheet program. It can be compared to a file folder that holds individual sheets of paper.
A worksheet, also known as a sheet. It consists of number of rows and columns, and it’s where you perform calculations, enter data, and create charts. It contains multiple worksheets.

27. What is Drop Cap ?
Answer: Drop cap (capital) is the first letter of a paragraph is made larger than the rest of the text. It is commonly used to enhance the visual appeal of the text and add a decorative or artistic touch to the beginning of a section or chapter in a document.

28. What are the standard layouts available in MS PowerPoint ?
Answer: Microsoft PowerPoint provides several standard layouts including Title Slide, Title and Content, Section Header, Two Content, Comparison, Title Only, Blank, Content with Caption, Picture with Caption.

29. Write the names of the most popular search engines.
Answer: Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo,, Yandex Search etc.

30. What is an e-mail ?
Answer: An email, short for electronic mail, is a digital message sent over the internet using email addresses. It typically consists of text, attachments, or multimedia, facilitating quick and convenient communication between individuals or groups.

Answer any 5 questions from the given 7 questions of 3 marks each. (3X5=15)

31. Differentiate between Semi-Blocked and Fully-Blocked styles of letters.

32. Define e-business.

33. What is the difference between Line chart and Pie-chart ?

34. Write down the names of the PowerPoint Window and explain any one.

35. What is e-commerce ? Explain.

36. What are the advantages of e-mail ?

37. Write a short note on Word Processing concepts.

Answer any 3 questions from the given 5 questions of 5 marks each. (5X3=15)

38. What is a memorandum ? What are the advantages of this form of official correspondence ?

39. Explain the points to be kept in mind at the time of typewriting a fair copy from manuscripts.

40. What is the significance of electronic spreadsheets ?

41. Why is formatting necessary ? What is the default alignment of number, text and formula in a spreadsheet ?

42. How can you create a presentation in PowerPoint ? Explain.

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