Class 12 Information Technology 802 Previous Year Question Paper 2023

Series ƩFGHE
Question Paper Code 326 Set 4

(Session 2022-23)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 60

General Instructions :

  1. Please read the instructions carefully.
  2. This question paper consists of 24 questions in two Sections : Section A and Section B.
  3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
  4. Out of the given (6 + 18) = 24 questions, a candidate has to answer (6 + 11) = 17 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 3 hours.
  5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
  6. Section A : Objective Type Questions (30 marks) :
    • This section has 6 questions.
    • There is no negative marking.
    • Do as per the instructions given.
    • Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
  7. Section B : Subjective Type Questions (30 marks) :
    • This section has 18 questions.
    • A candidate has to do 11 questions.
    • Do as per the instructions given.
    • Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

Section A (Objective Type Questions) (30 Marks)

1. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. (4×1=4)

(i) An individual’s motivations, inspired by others or events is known as ____.

(ii) What is stress ?

(iii) A ____ is rectangle shaped box, where row and column meet in a spreadsheet.

(iv) Decisiveness is one of the entrepreneurial competencies. State True/False.

(v) The act of setting up and running a business and taking risks in order to earn profits is known as ____.

(vi) In Open Office Calc ____ contains the Name Box which shows the location of the selected cell.
a) Formula Bar
b) Status Bar
c) Menu Bar
d) Title Bar

2. Answer any 5 out of the given 7 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) ____ command displays all the tables created in the current database.

(ii) ____ symbol replaces a single character while matching a pattern with LIKE keyword.

(iii) Predict the output :
String myStr = "Welcome Users";
System.out.println("New String:"+myStr.toUpperCase());

(iv) An attribute value may not be permitted to be NULL value with ____ constraint.

(v) ____ statement in Java, allows to use a prebuilt class and its associated methods from a package.
a) include
b) public
c) extend
d) import

(vi) _________ is an e-commerce application where the customer can purchase goods over the Internet.

(vii) Ranjana has written the following query but it is giving an error. Rectify the error and rewrite the query.

3. Answer any 6 out of the given 7 questions. (6X1=6)

(i) The ____ blocks follow a try block. It contains the exception handler-specific code that is executed when the exception occurs.

(ii) “Database management system could not find any usage in hospital domain.” Is the above statement true or false?

(iii) NeGP stands for ____ .

(iv) The ____ command is used to view the structure and description of a table :

(v) Define Referential Integrity.

(vi) What is a Compiler ?

(vii) Name any two Primitive datatypes in Java.

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) A ____ is a group of statements written to perform a specific task.
a) Method
b) Class
c) Comment
d) Variable

(ii) Predict the output of the given Java code :
String first_name = "Priyank";
String last_name = "Arora"

(iii) In which of the following phase of web based application project, we create backend database, frontend and the connectivity between them ?
a) Requirement
b) Design
c) Implementation
d) Test

(iv) Which of the following constraints specifies that the value of every attribute in each tuple must be from the domain of that attribute. ?
a) Domain Constraint
b) Key Constraint
c) Null Value Constraint
d) Entity Integrity Constraint

(v) Database can be removed by using ____ command.

(vi) What will be the output of the following code if value of variable a is 1 ?
case 0 : jTextField1.setText("Blue");
case 1 : jTextField1.setText("Red");
case 2 : jTextField1.setText("Orange");
case 3 : jTextField1.setText("Black");
default : jTextField1.setText("transparent");

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) Define Front End, with respect to web based application project.

(ii) ____ members of a class cannot be accessed outside the class.

(iii) Create Table is a ____ command.

(iv) Name any 2 web browsers.

(v) Name the Indian Government portal for booking train tickets.

(vi) Name the method that is used to concatenate a string at the end of another string in Java.

6. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) RDBMS packages are widely used as ____ (Frontend/Backend)

(ii) Mention any one eGovernance initiative taken by the Central Government of India.

(iii) What is a Bytecode ?

(iv) Requirement, ____, Implementation and Testing are the phases in Web Application Development.

(v) Which of the following is/are not a keyword in JAVA ?
break, While, for, switch, Display

(vi) The functions that are used to apply certain mathematical functions on a group of values in a database are called ____.

Section B (Subjective Type Questions) (30 Marks)

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills. Answer each question in 20-30 words.

7. Briefly discus the importance of positive attitude.

8. Name any two types of Entrepreneurs.

9. Write down the main steps to apply filter to a tabular data in Calc.

10. Mention any two common barriers to entrepreneurship.

11. Mention any two steps to overcome personality disorders.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 20-30 words each. (3X2=6)

12. Write a query to modify the value of field ‘dept’ from ‘marketing’ to ‘sales’ in the table Department.

13. What is the purpose of using try and catch statements in JAVA ?

14. Explain any two methods of String class in Java with suitable example.

15. Mention any two major significances of Database Management System.

16. Fill in the blanks.
(a) The number of attributes in a relation is called the ____ of a relation.
(b) To avoid repetition in the result of a SELECT Query clause is used.

Answer any 2 out of the given 3 questions in 30-50 words each. (2X3=6)

17. Discuss any three main purposes of using Database applications in education domain.

18. Rewrite the following program code using switch statement :
if (color == 10)
{ system.out.println("Red"); }
else if (color == 20)
System.out.println ("Orange");
else if (color == 30)
System.out.println ("Green");
System.out.println ("Invalid");

19. (i) State the role of a DBA (Database Administrator).
(ii) Sana has given the following query but she is unable to execute it successfully. Write the correct query after rectifying the error

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each. (3X4=12)

20. What is the purpose of HAVING clause ? How is it different from WHERE clause in SQL ? Give example to support you answer.

21. Write advantages of online tutorials.

22. Why is Java considered as an Object Oriented Programming language ? Explain data members and member methods with the help of an example.

23. (i) ‘Java is a platform independent language.’ Justify the statement.
(ii) Give two relational operators and two logical operators in Java.

24. Write the output of following code:
(i) class production
int inp = 50;
void change(int inp)
public static void main(String args[])
production po=new production();
System.out.println("before change"+po.inp);
System.out.println("after change"+po.inp);

(ii) What are the two ways to write comments in Java ?

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