Class 12 Information Technology 802 Previous Year Question Paper 2022 – Term 1 – Solution

Series ____
Question Paper Code 326 Set 4

Time allowed : 1.5 hours
Maximum Marks : 30

General Instructions :

  1. Please read the instructions carefully.


Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. (5X1=5)

1. Mishit is very creative and is an excellent designer. He lacks communication skills and this results in :
a) happiness
b) frustration
c) ample opportunities
d) inspiration

2. Ruchika is a teacher and while teaching in the class she is telling her students about the importance of listening attentively. Identify the incorrect option displaying the importance of listening attentively.
a) It helps to obtain information
b) It helps in building relationships
c) It helps in resolving conflicts
d) It breaks communication

3. ____ is a mental attitude, reflecting a belief or hope, can lead to positive and desirable outcomes. It helps us to achieve our dreams, continue working hard towards achieving success and live a happy life with a positive mindset. Select the most appropriate option from the following :
a) Stress
b) Pre-planning
c) Selfawareness
d) Optimism

4. Mohit is under a lot of stress due to his examinations during festival season. His friend suggests some of the ways to overcome stress. Which among the following is not the correct way to manage stress ?
a) Keop your thoughts in the present. Pondering over past issues makes us feel upset
and helpless.
b) Talk to friends and family for comfort.
c) Practice meditation and yoga.
d) Never look at your accomplishment sheet.

5. In spreadsheets, content of a cell appears in __ and the cell.
a) Title bar
b) Formula bar
c) Address box
d) Sheet tab

6. Select the correct option with respect to spreadsheets :
(i) A workbook is a spreadsheet that has one or more worksheets
(ii) A worksheet that has one ar more workbooks.
(iii) A cell is a grid of rows and columns.
(iv) By default. data is sorted in ascending order in spreadsheets.

a) (i) is correct
b) (ii) and (iii) are both correct
c) (i) and (iv) are both correct
d) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct


Answer any 20 questions out of the given 25 questions on Employability Skills. (20X1=20)

7. Adarsh is maintaining data of his company in the form of files. He uses various application programs to insert, delete or modify data. With time he needs to add new application programs. Different users maintain details about different areas in separate files. He faces the problem of data redundancy and data inconsistency very often. Identify the type of file system approach he uses.
a) Hierarchical approach
b) Traditional file system
c) Database approach
d) Network approach

8. Rashid is maintaining various records of his sales in different independent files. His boss asked him to give a compiled report of his work. As all the data is stored in independent files, it became difficult to access information out of multiple files. He is facing the problem of
a) Lack of date integration
b) Data storage
c) Lack of data availability
d) Data deletion

9. Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t. DBMS
a) It enables creation of repository of data.
b) There is a single repository that is accessed by all the programs.
c) It helps users to create and maintain database.
d) Data is accessible by only one user.

10. Mrigank works in a company. He identifies requirements of the end users and develops specifications to interact with the database. He plays union role in database designing. He is a __.
a) Programmer
b) End User
c) Database Administrator
d) Systems Analyst

11. ____ a collection of raw facts which have not been processed to reveal useful ____ .
a) Data, information
b) Information, data
c) Database, Information
d) Information, database

12. Identify the limitations of a database.
a) Improved security
b) User friendly
c) Reduced redundancy
d) Security and recovery overheads

13. Consider a table Employee with fields Empid, Empname, DOB, DOJ, Salary, Designation and Phone_num. Every employee record must have a non-repeated Empid. Identify the appropriate key that must be applied while creating the table.
a) Default
b) Null
c) Primary Key
d) Domain

14. Consider a table Student with attributes AdmnNo, Rno, Sname, Class and Marks. The column AdmnNo is the Primary key. Every student has a Identify set of attributes that cannot be a superkey in table Student :
a) (AdmNo, Sname)
b) (AdmNo, Class, Marks)
c) (Class, Marks)
d) (AdmnNo, Marks)

15. Consider the table Supplier :
Select the appropriate set of candidate keys
a) S_ID, Supp_name, Company
b) Supp_name, City, Phoneno
c) S_ID, Supp_name, Phoneno
d) S_ID, Phoneno

16. Pariniti wants to remove all the records from table “Customer” with fields (Cust_ID, C_name, Amount, Dues, Address) whose dues status is ‘Clear’. Select the query that wil solve the purpose :
a) Delete * from Customer where dues=’Clear’;
b) Remove * from Customer where dues=’Clear’;
c) Drop Customer where dues=’Clear’;
d) Delete from Customer where dues=’Clear’;

17. Jagriti wants to display the list of all the students in relation ‘Student’ with fields (Admno, Name, DOB, DOJ, City, Class, FatherName, MotherName) whose city name ends with letter ‘d’ in decending order of Admno. Identify the correct query to do the same from the following :
a) Select * from Student where City like '%d' order by Admno;
b) Select from Student where City like '%d' order by Admno;
c) Select * from Student where City like '%d' order by Admno desc;
d) Select * from Student where City like '*d' order by Admno desc;

18. Which of the following is incorrect with respect to the foreign key ?
a) Foreign key in one table is primary key of another table.
b) Foreign key of a table must have same name as the associated primary key.
c) A foreign key can have a NULL value.
d) A foreign key can have duplicate value.

19. Sukhdev has created a relation Teacher (Teacher_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Gender, Date_of_Birth, Salary, Dept_ No). Help him to identify the correct query to display all the records of Teacher with no last name.
a) Select * from Teacher where First name is not null;
b) Select * from Teacher where Last_name = NULL;
c) Select * from Teacher where Last_name is NULL;
d) Select * from Teacher where Last name = is NULL;

20. Ishu created a relation ‘Sales’ and now he wants to add tuples in the relation. Identify the type of command and the command name from the following :
a) DDL, add
b) DML, insert
c) DDL, insert
d) DML, add

21. Consider a table ‘Flights’ with fields (Flight_ID, Start, Destn, Seats, Costs Deptime). Select the command to find average Price of all the flights from source ‘Delhi’ to destination ‘Mangalore
a) Select average(cost) from Flights Where start=’Delhi’, Destn=’Mangalore’
b) Select avg(cost) from Flights where start=’Delhi’, Destn=’Mangalorc’;
c) Select avg(cost) from Flights where start=’Delhi’ and Destn=’Mangalore’;
d) Select average(cost) from Flights where start=’Delhi’ and Destn=’Mangalore’;

22. While booking on Airflight Reservation Site, it asks to create a profile with a username and password. This feature ensures
a) Security
b) Low cost
c) Confirm reservation
d) Confirm services

23. After a railway ticket has been booked online, the customer receives a copy of the ticket. Which one of the following is the correct option to receive a copy of ticket ?
a) A copy of ticket is received through email.
b) A copy of ticket is sent through courier at your address.
c) Tickets needs to be collected from the nearest railway station.
d) A person from railways visits to deliver the hard copy of ticket.

24. For online booking of train ticket using the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) online portal, Identify the website of IRCTC Portal.

25. E-Governance or electronic governance is the use of electronic i.e. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools for governance by the government for the citizens. Which one of the following statements is wrong ?
a) The ICT tools include the Internet, Local Area Network (LAN), mobiles, etc.
b) The use of ICT facilitates providing access to information for the citizens by the government.
c) The government has set up ICT enabled services like registration of birth/death certificate.
d) It enables citizens to access information directly, after paying money to a middleman or a tout.

26. The term DISNIC stands for
a) Distributed Information System of the National Informatics Centre
b) District Information Systom of the National Informatics Centre
c) Distinguished Information System of the National Informatics Centre
d) District Information Systom of the National Information Centralized

27. In India. the main thrust for E-Governance was provided by launching of NICNET in 1987. It is a
a) National broadband based computer network
b) Natural satellite-based computer network
c) National satellite-based computer network
d) Private satellite based computer organization

28. In online tutoring, the students and the teachers are at physically different locations, connected to each other via Internet, Seeing very less attendance in online classes, Daya wants to promote learning among his students during pandemic and increased participation of his students in online tutorial classes. Identify which one of the following not an advantage of online tutorial :
a) It provides freedom to the learner to learn at their convenient location
b) Learners can learn at their own pace of learning
c) Audio and video enriched tutorials make it more interesting
d) Online tutorials can be attended even without internet connection

29. Learning the benefits of online teaching Mohit Dorbi searches for educational websites. Help him to identify the non-educational website from the given list :
c) (outdated e-commerce website)

30. Government of India has taken a lot of initiatives to promote online services for the convenience of citizens. Different methods to make online payments by different websites are given below. Identify the option that does not provide online payment.
a) Credit card
b) Net banking
c) Debit card transaction
d) Cash on delivery

31. Naman studies in a government school and is a very intelligent child. He is preparing for is examinations. He noticed that he lost his prescribed textbook due to renovation work at his home. Help him to identify the website from where he can download his NCERT notebook for free.


Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions. (5X1=5)

32. Consider the following tables:
Select appropriate option to display average price of products less than 500.00
a) Select prod_name, avg(price) from product group by prdo_name where avg(price)<500.00;
b) Select prod_name, avg(price) from product group by prdo_name having avg(price)<=500.00;
c) Select prod_name, avg(price) from product group by prdo_name having avg(price)<500.00;
d) Select prod_name, avg(price) from product group by prdo_name where price<500.00;

33. Consider the table Product in Q33 and select the query to display records of P111, P123 and belong to either ‘Delhi’ or ‘Lucknow’.
a) Select * from Product Where P_ID in ('P111', 'P123') and City in ('Delhi', 'Lucknow');
b) Select * from Product having P_ID in ('P111', 'P123') and City in ('Delhi', 'Lucknow');
c) Select * from Product Where P_ID in ('P111', 'P123') and City in ('Delhi', 'Lucknow') group by City;
d) Select * from Product Where P_ID in ('P111', 'P123') or City in ('Delhi', 'Lucknow');

34. Consider the table Supplier in Q33 and select appropriate query to display Supplier
name and product name for all the products :
(i) Select Sup_ID, Prod_name from Product P, Supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID;
(ii) Select Sup_ID, S_name from Product P, Supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID
(iii) Select s_name, Prod_name from Product P, Supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID;
(iv) Select P_ID, S_name from Product P, Supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID;

a) Only (i)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) Only (iii)
d) (i) and (iv)

35. Consider the table Product and give appropriate command to change the datatype of column P_ID from char (20) to varchar (20)
a) Update table Product set P_ID varchar (20);
b) Alter table Product set P_ID varchar (20);
c) Alter table Product update P_ID varchar (20);
d) Alter table Product modify P_ID varchar (20);

36. Consider the table Product and Supplier and display name of all the suppliers alongwith their product name who do not belong to city ‘Delhi’ and ‘Jaipur’
(i) Select s_name, prod_name from product P, supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID and city in ('Delh', 'Jaipur')
(ii) Select s_name, prod_name from product P, supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID and city not in ('Delhi', 'Jaipur')
(iii) Select s_name, prod_name from product P, supplier S where P.P_ID=S.P_ID and city<>'Delhi'and city<>'Jaipur'
(iv) Select s_name, prod_name from product p, sup lier S where city in ('Delhi', 'Jaipur')

a) Option (i) and (ii) are correct
b) Option (ii) and (iii) are correct
c) Option (iii) and (iv) are correct
d) Only option (ii) is correct

37. A wide range of onlin internet services are being provided by many companies these days. Identify the categories of the following online systems.
Category :
X: Applications that require financial online transactions
Y: Applications that provide information and allow interaction.
Online Services :
(i) Online reservation system (ii) E-governance (iii) Online tutorial (iv) Bill payments (v) Tests
Select the appropriate option from the following :

a) X : (i),(ii) and Y : (iii),(iv),(v)
b) X : (i),(iv) and Y : (ii),(iii),(v)
c) X : (ii),(iii),(v) and Y : (i),(iv)
d) X : (i),(ii),(iii) and Y : (iv),(v)

38. This portal is a one-point source to access all Indian Government websites at all levels and from all sectors. It includes sites of different States and Union Territories of India, sites of government departments like judiciary and legislature. It also provides information about the various sectors like education and agriculture.
Identify the above web portal from the following :

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