Class 12 Informatics Practices 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019

Series BVM
Question Paper Code 90 Set 4

(Session 2018-19)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.
  3. Q. 2 and Q.4 have to be answered with respect to Java Language.
  4. Q.3, Q.5 and Q.6 have to be answered with respect to MySQL.

1. (a) Write the functions of the following pieces of network hardware :
(i) Modem
(ii) Switch

(b) Write two ways used to make sure that the data is secure and is available only to the intended and authorized persons in a network.

(c) Expand TCP/IP. Write the purpose of TCP/IP in communication of data on a network.

(d) Expand the following terms :
(i) MAC Address
(ii) ODF

(e) Explain in brief any one freedom offered by Open Source Software. Write one example for each of the following :
(i) An Open Source Operating System
(ii) An Open Source Office Suite

2. (a) Write the data type of variables that should be used to store the following in Java :
(i) Sales amount (of Sales) achieved by a Sales Person
(ii) Roll Number of Student

(b) (b) Distinguish between isSelected() and setSelected() methods of Java with the help of example.

(c) What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 when the following code is executed ?
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.2c
What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 when the following code is executed ?
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.2cOR

(d) The following HTML code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining corrections made.
<ol type="A" begin="4">
<li> List Item 1 </li>
<li> List Item 2 </li>
<li> List Item 3 </li>
Expand XML. For what purpose is XML used ?

(e) Write the output that will be displayed on jLabel1 and jLabel2.
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.2e

(f) Write the output displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 when the following code is executed :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.2f
What happens if break statement is omitted with a case in a switch statement ?

3. (a) In CHAR(10) and VARCHAR(10), what does the number 10 indicate ?

(b) ‘Employee’ table has a column named ‘CITY’ that stores city in which each employee resides. Write SQL query to display details of all rows except those rows that have CITY as ‘DELHI’ or ‘MUMBAI’ or ‘CHANDIGARH’.

(c) Consider the following table :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.3c
Abhay wants to know the number of students who took the test. He writes the following SQL statement to count STUDENTID without duplicates. However the statement is not correct. Rewrite the correct statement.

(d) Aman has used the following SQL command to create a table ‘stu’ :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.3di
Write the output that will be produced by the following SQL statement :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.3dii

(e) Write SQL statement to add a column "COUNTRY" with data type and size as VARCHAR(70) to the existing table named "PLAYER". Is it a DDL or DML or TCL command ?

(f) Table Student has the columns RNO and SCORE. It has 3 rows in it. Following two SQL statements were entered that produced the output (AVG(SCORE) as 45 and COUNT(SCORE) as 2) :
Data in SCORE column is same in two rows. What data is present in the SCORE column in the three rows ?

4. (a) What will displayed in jTextField1 when the following code is executed ?
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4a

(b) Rewrite the following code after correcting errors. Underline the corrections made.
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4b

(c) How many times will the following loop execute ?
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4c
How many times will the following loop execute ?
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4cOR

(d) Write the output in jTextField1 when the following code is executed :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4d
Write the output in jTextField1 when the following code is executed :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4dOR

(e) Write the values of i and k after execution of the following code :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4e

(f) Ms. Supriya works as a programmer in a courier company, ‘‘ABC Packaging and Shipping Service’’ where she has designed a software to compute charges to be paid by the customers.
• Weight (in grams) of the parcel is entered by the user.
• Any one Category of parcel out of A/B/C is chosen by the user.
• Based on the Category selected, Transportation Charges
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.4f
• Insurance Charges is a flat < 80.00 per parcel.
• Total Transportation Charges = Transportation Charges Per gram * Weight in grams (of parcel)
entered by the user.
• Total Charges = Total Transportation Charges + Insurance Charges.
Help Ms. Priya in writing the code to do the following :
• When Calculate Charges button is clicked, Insurance Charges, Transportation Charges per gram, Total Transportation Charges and Total Charges should be calculated and displayed in the respective text fields.
(ii) When ‘CLEAR’ button is clicked, all the textfields and radiobuttons should be cleared.
(iii) When ‘Exit’ button is clicked, the application should close.

5. Consider the following table ‘Transporter’ that stores the order details about items to be transported. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (viii) and write output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.5
(i) To display names of drivers and destination city where TELEVISION is being transported.
(ii) To display driver names and destinations where destination is not MUMBAI.
(iii) To display the names of destination cities where items are being transported. There should be no duplicate values.
(iv) To display details of rows that have some value in DRIVERGRADE column.
(v) To display names of drivers, names of items and travel dates for those items that are being transported on or before 1st April 2019.
(vi) To display the number of drivers who have ‘MOHAN’ anywhere in their names.
(vii) To display the names of drivers, item names and travel dates in alphabetic (ascending) order of driver names.
(viii) To display names of drivers whose names are three characters long.

6. (a) Mr. Sen has to create a table named ‘Employee’ with Columns to store EmpID, Name, Designation, Age and Salary. EmpID is the Primary key and Name cannot be NULL.
Some of the rows that will be inserted are shown below.
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.6a

Ms. Rajshri is the Class Teacher of Class XII. She wants to create a table named ‘Student’ to store marks in different subjects of her class. Identify any 4 columns for the table along with their suitable data types.

(b) Consider the following tables PARTICIPANT and ACTIVITY and answer the questions that follow :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.6b

When the table "PARTICIPANT" was first created, the column "NAME" was planned as the Primary key by the Programmer. Later a field ADMNO had to be set up as Primary key. Explain the reason.
Identify data type and size to be used for column ACTIVITYCODE in table ACTIVITY.

(c) With reference to the above given tables (in Q6 b), write commands in SQL for (i) to (iii).
(i) To display Activity Code along with number of participants participating in each activity (Activity Code wise) from the table Participant.
How many rows will be there in Cartesian product of the two tables in consideration here ?
(ii) To display Names of Participants, Activity Code, Activity Name in alphabetic ascending order of names of participants.
(iii) To display Names of Participants along with Activity Codes and Activity Names for only those participants who are taking part in Activities that have ‘bag’ in their Activity Names and Points of activity are above 250.

7. (a) How does e-governance help in increasing Accountability (answerability of the Government to the people) ? Write 2 points.

(b) Write 2 precautions to be followed while doing Online shopping.

(c) Ms. Deepika of ABC School is creating a form for a Summer Camp application. Help her to choose the most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries :
Class 12 IP 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Q.7c

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