Class 10 IT 402 Previous Year Question Paper 2024 – Solution

Series #CDBA
Question Paper Code 89 Set 4

(Session 2023-24)

Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 50

General Instructions :

  1. Read the following instructions carefully.
  2. This question paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B
  3. Section A has Objective Type Questions whereas Section B contains Subjective Type Questions.
  4. Out of the given (5+16=) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5+10=) 15 questions in the alloted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
  5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
  6. Section – A : Objective Type Questions (24 Marks)
    • This section has 5 questions.
    • Marks alloted are mentioned against each question/part.
    • There is no negative marking.
    • Do as per instructions given.
  7. Section – B : Subjective Type Questions (26 Marks)
    • This section has 16 questions.
    • A candidate has to do 10 questions.
    • Do as per instructions given.
    • Marks alloted are mentioned against each question/part.

SECTION A (Objective Type Questions)

1. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills : (1X4=4)

(i) The filename and filename extension are separated by a _____
(A) Dollar ($)
(B) Dot (.)
(C) Underscore (_)
(D) Hash (#)

(ii) Which of the following type of communication involves interchanging messages only through images or pictures?
(A) Verbal
(B) Gesture
(C) Visual
(D) Facial

(iii) ____ is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
(A) Self-Awareness
(B) Emotional Intelligence
(C) Stress Management
(D) Emotional Barrier

(iv) ____ is the driving force that pushes us to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve our quality of life.
(A) Stress Management
(B) Self-Awareness
(C) Self-Growth
(D) Self-Motivation

(v) Which of the following is not an essential quality to become a successful entrepreneur?
(A) Confidence
(B) Creativity
(C) Patience
(D) Wealthy

(vi) In total, how many SDGs were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity?
(A) 13
(B) 17
(C) 11
(D) 19

2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5)

(i) Which of the following features allows one to apply a group of formats at the same time?
(A) Fill
(B) Styles
(C) Images
(D) Drag and Drop

(ii) In Writer, styles and formatting option is available under ____ menu.
(A) Insert
(B) Tools
(C) Format
(D) Window

(iii) Gaurav is creating a report in Writer. The image gets embedded in his document whenever he drags and drops the image and the document size increases. Suggest a way to link the image file instead of embedding it.
(A) Drag and drop the image.
(B) Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging.
(C) Hold down the Shift key while dragging the image.
(D) Hold down the Ctrl and Shift key while dragging and dropping the image.

(iv) Resizing a ____ may badly affect the resolution of an image.
(A) Vector image
(B) Raster image
(C) CAD image
(D) Coloured image

(v) In Writer, you can create your own template in ____ way(s).
(A) One
(B) Two From scratch and existing template
(C) Three
(D) Four

(vi) In Writer, ____ function key is used to see the databases while implementing mail merge.
(A) F1
(B) F2
(C) F3
(D) F4

3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5)

(i) While consolidating data, a cell range can be named using ____ option.
(A) Name range
(B) Define range
(C) Consolidate name
(D) Define name

(ii) Kawal and his friends are working on a Spreadsheet for entering data and updating records. They wish to keep a track of changes. Which of the following options will help in knowing who made the changes and what changes were done in the spreadsheet?
(A) View changes
(B) Record changes
(C) Store changes
(D) Track changes

(iii) ____ is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
(A) Database
(B) Hyperlink
(C) Report
(D) Solver

(iv) Macro functions can be written to behave as regular functions by writing a/an ____.
(A) Void
(B) Return
(C) Add-In
(D) Dim

(v) ____ option of Calc helps in viewing the changes made to a worksheet using original and edited worksheet.
(A) Edit Revise document
(B) Edit Consolidate
(C) Edit Compare document
(D) Edit Collaborate document

(vi) In Calc, shared workbooks allow :
(A) Merging cells
(B) Conditional formatting
(C) Inserting pictures/graphs
(D) Adding text

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5)

(i) In OpenOffice Base, the relationship applied on the tables can be removed with the help of option.
(A) Clear
(B) Remove
(C) Drop
(D) Delete

(ii) In SQL, the keyword to display records in ascending order is:
(A) Asce
(B) Iner
(C) Asc
(D) High

(iii) ____ is a numeric data type which can store Yes/No type values in the form of 0 or 1 in OpenOffice Base table.
(A) Boolean
(B) Char
(C) Binary
(D) Other Object

(iv) Which of the following statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views?

(v) Roshni has created a table Customer in SQL and wants to store photograph image of every customer under Cust_photo field. Suggest a suitable data type from the options given below.

(vi) By default, all the fields in OpenOffice Base will have ____ datatype.
(A) int (tiny)
(B) Boolean
(C) text (varchar)
(D) text (char)

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5)

(i) A ____ is a discussion style website similar to an online personal diary, used for creating personal web pages.
(B) Web
(C) Blog
(D) Chat

(ii) Natasha works as floor manager. She has been assigned a task for conducting regular ____ to ensure safety of life in case of any disaster or emergency by evacuating the place of danger.
(A) Cultural assembly
(B) Open house events
(C) Evacuation drill
(D) Trips and excursions

(iii) ____ is an accessibility feature that assists people who have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both).
(A) Sticky keys
(B) Serial key
(C) Control key
(D) Toggle keys

(iv) Network in which all computers have equal status is called ____.
(A) Peer-to-Peer architecture
(B) Central architecture
(C) Hierarchical architecture
(D) Client-server architecture

(v) ____ are text files with small pieces of data like a username and password.
(A) Operating System
(B) Antivirus
(C) Cookies
(D) Modem

(vi) DSL stands for ____.
(A) Digital System Line
(B) Data Subscriber Line
(C) Digital Subscriber Line
(D) Data Service Line

SECTION B (Subjective Type Questions)

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2X3=6)
Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.

6. How can cultural differences be a barrier to effective communication?

7. Explain any two misconceptions about entrepreneurship.

8. Briefly discuss the significance of time management skills in order to succeed in life.

9. Very often we hear about spam mails. Explain what are spam mails, and what should be done with such mails.

10. Mention any two ways to get clean and affordable energy.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2X4=8)

11. Write the main steps to group drawing objects in Writer.

12. What is the purpose of consolidating data in spreadsheets? Discuss briefly.

13. Differentiate between LAN and WAN.

14. What are the two parts of a cell reference while referencing data on other sheets? Explain with an example.

15. Give any two benefits of creating relationships between tables in a database.

16. Mention any two basic fire safety rules to be followed in any organization.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4X3=12)

17. What is the concept of mail merge in word processing software? Discuss in detail. Also give any two major benefits of using mail merge.

18. Explain four types of hyperlinks that can be applied in spreadsheets.

  • Cell Reference Hyperlinks: These hyperlinks allow you to link to a specific cell within the same spreadsheet or a different spreadsheet in the same workbook.
  • Sheet Hyperlinks: These hyperlinks enable you to link to a specific sheet within the same workbook.
  • External File (Document/Picture) Hyperlinks: You can create hyperlinks to files stored on your local memory or network.
  • Webpage Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks can also link to external webpages.

19. Internet security is of prime concern nowadays. Using strong passwords can lower the risk of security breach on the Internet. Himanshi has just created her first Internet based account. Help her by giving any four general guidelines for managing strong passwords.

20. In context of OpenOffice Base, explain the concept and significance of the following:
(a) Forms
(b) Reports

21. Consider the table Product and write SQL queries for the following: Table : Product


(a) To display names of all products whose category is “domestic”.
(b) To display product name and price whose quantity is less than 50.
(e) To display price and quantity of Laptop.
(d) To display name and quantity of those products whose price is above 5000.

For Visually Impaired Candidates:

In the context of Database Management System, write a short note on the following:
(i) Database
Answer: A database is a structured collection of data that is organized and stored in a way that makes it easy to access, manage, manipulate and update. It is an electronic filing system where information is stored in the form of tables and can be retrieved or manipulated using queries (questions). Databases are used in various applications, such as websites, banking systems, and inventory management, to store and manage large volumes of data efficiently.
(ii) Table
Answer: In the context of a database, a table is a structured arrangement of data organized into rows and columns. Each row represents a single record or entry, while each column represents a specific attribute or field of the data. Tables are used to store related information in a structured format, making it easy to query, update, and manage the data.
(iii) Field
Answer: In a table, Columns are referred as fields. A field describes a specific property of a record, that is why a field is also known as an attribute.
Fields are essential components of database design and organization, as they define the structure and content of the data stored in the database.

(iv) Composite Primary Key
Answer: Composite primary key is a key of two or more attributes that uniquely identifies the row.
Example: We have two tables:
table ‘Books’: Fields are: BookID (Primary Key), Title, Author
table ‘Borrowers’: Fields are: BorrowerID (Primary Key), Name, Email
let’s introduce a third table called BorrowedBooks to keep track of which books are borrowed by which borrowers and when.
table ‘BorrowedBooks’: Fields are: BookID (Primary Key, Foreign Key referencing Books.BookID), BorrowerID (Primary Key, Foreign Key referencing Borrowers.BorrowerID), BorrowDate
In this scenario, the primary key (BookID) of the BorrowedBooks table is a composite key consisting of two columns: BookID and BorrowerID.

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