Class 10 – IT 402 Database Management System / OpenOffice Base – MCQs

Class 10 IT (Code 402)- Database Management System / OpenOffice Base NCERT-Based MCQs: Practice makes perfect! Here, we’ve curated a set of Solved NCERT-based multiple-choice questions to test your understanding of the Database Management System Unit of Class 10 – Information Technology (Code 402) session and chapter-wise. These MCQs are designed to help you gauge your knowledge and identify areas for improvement for CBSE examination.

Database Management System / OpenOffice Base Class 10 MCQs

MCQ 1: Which of the following is not an example of DBMS? [CBSE 2023]
a) PostgreSQL
b) SQLite
c) FoxPro
d) Imperss

MCQ 2: A ____ is an interface in a user-specified layout that lets users to view, enter, and changes data directly in database objects such as tables. [CBSE 2023]
a) frame
b) form
c) relation
d) report

MCQ 3: Which of the following is expanded form of SQL? [CBSE 2023]
a) Systematic Query Language
b) Structured Query Language
c) Software Query Language
d) Structural Query Language

MCQ 4: ____ is usually suitable for less amount of data. [CBSE 2023]
a) Flat File
b) Relational
c) Both of them
d) None of these

MCQ 5: Binary data types in a database can be using for storing _____ [CBSE 2023]
a) photos, music files, etc.
b) integer values,
c) only images files
d) only video files

MCQ 6: ____ clause can be used with the SELECT statement in SQL to specify which rows to retrieve from the table. [CBSE 2023]

MCQ 7: Which of the following software is appropriated to store data about school students.
a) MS Access
b) Writer
c) Calc
d) Impress

MCQ 8: Which of the following is not a database programs?
a) MySQL
b) Oracle
c) Writer
d) OObase

MCQ 9: ____ store data in Single table.
a) Flat File
b) Relational
c) Single File
d) One File

MCQ 10: ____ are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and run only DBMS and related Software.
a) Main Server
b) Web Server
c) Database Server
d) Non Database Server

Find exam-oriented chapter or unit-wise multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on MS Office and OpenOffice for CBSE Class 10 to help you prepare for examinations

MCQ 11: GUI act as front end and database server act as ____.
a) Container
b) Back End
c) End
d) None of these

MCQ 9: Duplication of data is called ____.
a) Inconsistency
b) Consistency
c) Redundancy
d) Foreign Key

MCQ 10: Which of the following is not the advantage of database?
a) Sharing of Data
b) Reduce Data Redundancy
c) Increase Data Inconsistency
d) Data Security

MCQ 11: Which of the following will help to maintain unique record in the table?
a) Foreign Key
b) Primary Key
c) Composite Key
d) Alternate Key

MCQ 12: Which of the following field of table “Book” can act as Primary Key?
a) Book_number
b) Subject
c) price
d) Author_name

MCQ 13: When Primary Key is made up of two or more columns then it is called ____ Primary Key.
a) Mixed
b) Reference
c) Composite
d) Compost

MCQ 14: A key which is referring to the primary key of another table is called ____.
a) alternate Key
b) Primary Key
c) first Primary Key
d) Foreign Key

MCQ 15: A field which is ____ for each and every record is called Primary Key.
a) Common
b) Same
c) Unique
d) None of the above

MCQ 16: When data is stored, maintained and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software are required called ____.
c) Special DBMS
d) All of these

MCQ 17: Identify the Foreign Key from table “Sales”
Table Client:
ClientID (Primary Key)
Table Sales:
SalesID (Primary Key)

a. SalesID
b. Profit
c. Clientphone
d. ClientID

MCQ 18: Which of the following is not valid field of table “Student”?
a. admno
b. name
c. fees
d. salary

MCQ 19: In RDBMS, data is organised in the form of ____.
a. Table
b. Record
c. Field
d. None of these

MCQ 20: All the values in ____ are of same type.
a. Records
b. Table
c. Database
d. Fields

Find exam-oriented chapter or unit-wise multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on MS Office and OpenOffice for CBSE Class 10 to help you prepare for examinations

MCQ 21: ____ represents a single data item in a table.
a. Tuples
b. Attributes
c. Relation
d. All of these

MCQ 22: Database servers are referred to as ____. [CBSE SQP 2021, Term-1]
a. front-ends
b. back-ends
c. clients
d. model

MCQ 24: A table is a set of data elements that is organised using a model of vertical ____ and horizontal ____. [CBSE SQP 2021, Term-1]
a. rows, tables
b. columns, rows
c. rows, columns
d. forms, reports

MCQ 25: Which one of the following is an example of RDBMS? [CBSE SQP 2021, Term-1]
a. MongoDB
b. Windows registry
c. Publisher
d Oracle

MCQ 26: The ____ has evolved since the 1960s to ease increasing difficulties in designing, building and maintaining complex information systems.
a) Knowledge concept
b) Formula concept
c) Database concept
d) Forms concept

MCQ 27: ____ are the basic building blocks of a database.
a) Tables
b) Record
c) Fields
d) All of these

MCQ 28: We can create table:
a) in design view
b) use Wizard
c) Both a and b
d) none of these

MCQ 29: By default data type of fields is:
a. Text(Varchar)
b. Text(Char)
c. Int
d. Long

MCQ 30: By default the length of Varchar data type is ____.
a. 20
b. 30
c) 40
d. 50

MCQ 31: By default the name of the table is ____.
a. Tab 1
b. Table 1
c. First Table
d. Untitled 1

MCQ 32: ____ are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.
a. Datatype
b. Record
c. Table
d) Attributes

MCQ 33: Which data type will be appropriate to store information such as Salary, Fees, Price, etc.?
a. Alphanumeric Data types
b. Numeric Data type
c. Binary Data types
d. Date Time

MCQ 34: Which of the following is not a numeric data type?
a. Tinyint
b. Smallint
c. Boolean
d. Date

MCQ 35: Which of the following data types cannot store decimal values?
a. Decimal
b. Real
c. Numeric
d. Boolean

MCQ 36: Which of the following will occupy more space in computer memory?
a. Bigint
c. Smallint
b. Integer
d. Boolean

MCQ 37: Char is a ____ length data type and Varchar is a _____ length data type.
a. fixed, variable
b. variable, fixed
c. variable, variable
d. fixed, fixed

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