Class 10 Computer Application 165 Previous Year Question Paper 2022 – Term 2

Series ΨYZXW
Question Paper Code 53 Set 4

(Session 2021-22)

Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 25

General Instructions :
Please read the instructions carefully.

  • This question paper contains three sections A, B and C. Each section is compulsory.
  • Section A has 4 Short Answer Type Questions. Each question is of 2 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.
  • Section B has 3 Long Answer Type-I (LA-I) Questions. Each question is of 3 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.
  • Section C has 2 Long Answer Type-II (LA-II) Questions. Each question is of 4 marks.

SECTION A (8 marks)
This section has 4 Short Answer Type Questions.
Each question is of 2 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.

1. Gulzar is a talented musician. He is trying to create a web page so as to share his creations with music lovers across the world. He wants to embed audio and video files in the web page with the following specifications :
To embed audio files :
(i) The name of audio file is GulzarNote1.mp3
(ii) The audio should start playing automatically when the page loads.
(iii) The audio controls such as Play, Pause and Volume should be visible.
To embed video files :
(i) The name of video file is GulzarMovie1.mp4
(ii) The video should play in a window of width 350 pixels and height 250 pixels.
(iii) The video controls such as Play, Pause and Volume should be visible.
To complete the task, Gulzar has written the following HTML code :
Class 10 CA 165 Previous Year Question Paper 2022-term2-Q.1
Gulzar is not getting the desired output as the code contains errors. Rewrite the correct statements to help him to complete the task. Underline all the corrections made.

2. (a) Differentiate between the terms Web Site and Web Page.
(b) What is a Web Browser ? Write the names of any two commonly used Web Browsers.

3. Rohan is creating a Web page in HTML. He wants to insert a link in his Web page to appear with the text as “Click to Open” which on clicking should open the URL named ‘http://www/’ in a new window. Help him to write the HTML code to create the hyperlink.

4. Write any two differences between the Outline and Border-style properties of CSS.

SECTION B (9 marks)
This section has 3 Long Answer Type-I (LA-I) Questions.
Each question is of 3 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.

5. Expand the following in the context of Internet Protocols :
(a) SMTP
(b) POP3
Write the difference between SMTP and POP3.

6. What is e-Governance ? Explain any two merits of e-Governance.

7. (a) Differentiate between a Web Address and an Email Address. Write an example of each to illustrate the difference.
(b) Expand the terms SMS and MMS in the context of Mobile Technologies. Differentiate between SMS and MMS in the context of Mobile Technologies.

SECTION C (8 marks)
This section has 2 Long Answer Type-II (LA-II) Questions.
Each question is of 4 marks.
Question no. 8 is of case-based type.

Read the case study given below and attempt any 4 sub-questions (out of 5). Each sub-question carries 1 mark.

8. Bidya is a nurse in XYZ hospital. Owing to the emergency situation due to COVID-19, she needs to communicate in almost real-time with the Medical Superintendent about the status of the patients. The hospital has provided her a laptop, web camera and other accessories for communication purposes.
(a) As instructed by the Medical Superintendent, Bidya has to send the RT-PCR reports of some patients who have tested negative to their respective family members using her laptop. Which web service should she avail ?
(b) Bidya wants to establish a connection with the remote computer of pathology lab in the city, so that she can see the RT-PCR reports of her patients. Which protocol will be used for the same ?
(c) Bidya has also been instructed by the Medical Superintendent to upload the RT-PCR reports in the Hospital’s Data Server. Which Internet protocol shall be used during this process of uploading the reports into the Hospital’s Server ?
(d) The Medical Superintendent has asked Bidya to inform about the billing and payment details of the admitted patients. Bidya needs to securely access the details from the Hospital’s Server using her Admin Login Credentials. Which secured network protocol is she using to access the account details for the patients ?
(e) Bidya, during her free time, likes to browse the Internet for products available for Online Shopping. Which Internet protocol does Bidya use while browsing for such products ?

9. Write the HTML code to design a Web page as shown below :
Class 10 CA 165 Previous Year Question Paper 2022-term2-Q.9

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