CBSE Class 10 IT Code 402 Sample Question Paper 2024 – SET 1 – Solution

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Max. Time: 2 Hours
Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:

  1. Please read the instructions carefully.
  2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
  3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
  4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the
    allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
  5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
    i. This section has 05 questions.
    ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
    iii. There is no negative marking.
    iv. Do as per the instructions given.
    i. This section has 16 questions.
    ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
    iii. Do as per the instructions given.
    iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part


Q. 1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1X4=4 marks)

(i) Self awareness refers to
a) our knowledge and understanding of ourselves
b) systematic efforts to direct thoughts and actions
c) ability to identify effective methods to move from thought to action
d) None of the above

(ii) If we worry about matters we can do nothing about or we are worring for no reason at all, we are having ____.
a) environmental stress
b) eustress
c) distress
d) internal stress

(iii) The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is
a) multi-programming
b) multi-tasking
c) time sharing
d) multi-processing

(iv) What is a file ?
a) A file is a section of main storage used to store data
b) A file is a collection of information that has been given a name and have an extension
c) A file is the part of a program that is used to describe what the program should do
d) A file can be saved only in CDs

(v) State whether the following statement is true or false:
Talent is more important than industry.
Answer: False

(vi) To find the suitable market and entrepreneur performs the functions of
a) advertisement and publicity
b) appointment of selling agents
c) new organisation structure
d) Both a) and b)

Q. 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5 marks)

(i) Which extension is given to a document by default in OpenOffice writer?
a) .odf
b) .com
c) .docx
d) None of these Answer: .odt

(ii) The status of your document like current page number and number of pages are given by __
a) Formatting toolbar
b) Status bar
c) Standard toolbar
d) None of these

(iii) The documents can be saved by using
a) Ctrl + S
b) File > Save
c) File -> Save As
d) All of these

(iv) Which of the following alignments are available in writer?
a) Left
b) Right
c) Center
d) All of these

(v) Line or paragraph spacing is measured in terms of lines or points which is referred as ____.
a) text wrapping
b) PDF
c) XPS
d) leading

(vi) Which term refers to a set of formats consisting of fonts, font color, font size and paragraph formats?
Answer: Styles

Q. 3 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5 marks)

(i) According to OpenOffice Calc which of the following is not a What-if analysis tool?
a) Conditional formatting
b) Goal seek
c) Scenarios
d) Solver

(ii) The ____ feature creates summarized outline of data in a worksheet.
a) Subtotal
b) Solver
c) Goal seek
d) Scenario

(iii) To start the Macro recorder, which of the following command is used?
a) Tools > Macros > Record macro (in Calc)
b) Tools > Record > Record macro
c) Data > Macros > Record
d) None of these

(iv) Linked data is stored in the ____
a) destination file
b) web file
c) source file
d) domain file

(v) This is a type of hyperlink available in Hyperlink dialog box, which creates a new worksheet
a) New document
b) New file
c) New worksheet
d) New data

(vi) Rajat has received a spreadsheet, which is reviewed by his subordinates Puneet, kavya and Aman, who made some corrections in it. Before Rajat shared the spreadsheet with his subordinates, he has activated the track changes feature. Which of the following option he should use now to keep some of the changes made by them?
a) Accept and reject changes
b) Overwrite and keep changes
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

Q. 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5 marks)

(i) Facilities offered by databases are
a) the ability to store a large amount of data in a structured format, easy update, sort query, production of reports.
b) easy edition, spell check, perform calculations, library of mathematical functions, replications.
c) the ability to rotate images, copy and paste, fill scale.
d) None of the above

(ii) Which one of the following is an example of RDBMS?
a) MongoDB
b) Windows registry
c) Publisher
d) Oracle

(iii) Database servers are referred to as ____
a) front-ends
b) back-ends
c) clients
d) model

(iv) Out of the following, which one is the most appropriate data field in context of employee table, if only one of these is required?
a) Age in years
b) Date of birth
c) Age in days
d) Age in months

(v) The ____ has evolved since the 1960s to ease increasing difficulties in designing, building and maintaining complex information system.
a) Knowledge concept
b) Formula concept
c) Database concept
d) Forms concept

(vi) Computer Based Record Keeping system is known as
a) Data manipulation system
b) Computerised data system
c) Computerised Record Keeping system

Q. 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1X5=5 marks)

(i) Which of the following is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the internet?
a) Web application
b) System application
c) Internet application
d) None of these

(ii) A group of computers connected together with the help of cables within an office building is called
a) PAN
b) WAN
c) MAN
d) LAN

(iii) Digital information is converted into analog information by the modem at
a) destination computer
b) source computer
c) Both a) and b)
d) Neither a) nor b)

(iv) A modem is connected in between a telephone line and a
a) computer
b) serial port
c) network
d) communication adaptor

(v) What can you do with the internet?
a) Exchange information with friends and colleagues
b) Access pictures, sounds, video clips and other media elements
c) Find diverse perspective on issue from a global audience
d) Internet exchange information, access pictures, find diverse perspective on issue from a global audience.

(vi) Which of these services will not be provided by a typical Internet Service Provider (ISP)
a) An e-mail address
b) Modem
c) A connection to the internet
d) Technical help


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2X3=6 marks)
Answer each question in 20–30 words.

6. What is survival stress?
Answer: Survival stress is a common response to danger in all people and animals. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body automatically response with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation or escape it all together.

7. Why is self regulation important in life?
Answer: Self regulation is important in life due to the following reasons:
i) self regulation allows you to keep a tab on your own emotions.
ii) self regulation enables to develop the idea about ‘what is appropriate behaviour’ and ‘what is inappropriate behaviour’ in a given social condition.
iii) it helps in controlling negative impulses and reciprocate emotions for actualizing set goals.

8. What is an Operating System?
Answer: Operating system is the system software that performs all basic tasks of a computer system. It works like an interface between the user and the computer hardware resources. It is a collection of programs that controls and coordinates the execution of all other tasks and functions in a computer system.
It mainly provides and environment to run the softwares and serves services to the computer hardware.

9. Explain any three characteristics or qualities of an entrepreneur.
Answer: The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs are as follows:
i) Leadership: An entrepreneur must posses the characteristics of leadership and must lead a team for achievement of goals.
ii) Innovativeness: An entrepreneur does not have to restrict itself to just one innovation rather he must use combination of innovations. He should meet requirements as per the needs and requirements of customers.
iii) Decision maker: And entrepreneur has to take many diseases to put his business idea into reality.

10. Explain the role and significance of entrepreneurs.
Answer: An entrepreneur is the organiser of society’s productive resources. He is the person who assembles the unused natural, physical and human resources for the society, combines them properly, establishes effective coordination between them and makes the economic activities dynamic.
An entrepreneur is helpful in capital formation for the economic development of any country. He creates maximum employment opportunities in the society by way of establishing new industries, developing and expanding the existing industries and by undertaking innovative activities.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20–30 words each (2X4=8 marks)

11. Explain any four graphic filters.
Answer: i) Smooth: It softens the contrast of an image.
ii) Sharpen: It increases the contrast of an image.
iii) Remove noise: It removes single pixel from an image.
iv) Invert: It inverts the colour values of a colour image or brightness values of a greyscale image.

12. Ridhima wants to know about mailing labels in word processor. Help her to find the answers of the given questions.
(a) What is mailing label?

Answer: Mailing labels are usually pieces of paper with adhesive on the back that can be a affixed to package or envelope to identify the name and address of a recipient.
(b) What are the ways to prepare and print mailing labels?

Answer: Mailing labels can be created in two ways:
i) Printing multiple copies of a single label.
ii) Printing address lists where each label contains a different address.

13. What is the use of consolidate option in Calc?
Answer: Data consolidation provides a way to combine data from two or more worksheets or ranges of cells into a worksheet or new range. It is the method of combining the data of several sheets into one sheet.

14. How are fields, record and a table related to each other? Explain with the help of an example.
Answer: Table is a collection of related records. Record is a collection of related fields. Field is the smallest unit of data, representing a single piece of information. Together, these components help create a structured and organized way to store, retrieve, and manage data in a relational database system.
Here, Emp_No, E_Name and Salary are three different fields. 101, Anil, 45000 represents one complete record and both records with fields represents table.

15. Why do we use instant messaging?
Answer: Instant messaging is a set of communication technology is used to text based communication between two or more participants over the internet. It is favored for its real-time communication, cost-effectiveness, and convenience. It enables quick exchanges, supports multimedia sharing, and facilitates group communication, making it an efficient and widely adopted form of modern communication.

16. (a) Write the full form of the following terms. (i) WiMAX (ii) BPL
Answer: (i) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
(ii) Broadband over Power Line

(b) Ramya wants to connect all the computers of her office wirelessly in order to avoid clumsy cables. Which wireless Technology would be best suitable for her office?

Answer: Wi-Fi technology would be best suitable for her office to avoid cabling. Because, it allows high speed internet connections without the use of cables or wires.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50–80 words each (4X3=12 marks)

17. Ojas had prepared a table of contents of the project work he had done in a word processor application.
(a) Tell him the different steps to update the TOC.
(b) Tell him the different steps to delete the TOC.
Answer: Writer does not update the table of contents automatically, so after any changes to the headings, you must updated manually.
(a) To update a table of contents when changes are made to the document:
i) Right click anywhere in the TOC.
ii) From the pop-up menu, choose update table. The TOC will be updated automatically.
(b) To delete the table of contents from a document:
i) Right click anywhere in the TOC.
ii) From the pop-up menu, choose delete table option. The TOC will be deleted.

18. Lavish is preparing notes for his upcoming exams. Help him to write the correct answer of the following.
(i) Scenario
(ii) Absolute link
(iii) Relative link
(iv) Macro

Answer: i) The Scenario manager is a what if analysis tool. Eats narrow is named and can be edited and formated separately. When you print the spreadsheet only the contents of the currently active scenario are printed.
ii) An Absolute link contains all the information necessary to locate a resource and will stop working only if the target is moved.
iii) Relative link locates a resource using an absolute URL as starting point will stop working only if they start and target locations change relative to each other.
iv) Macro is a saved sequence of commands / keystrokes / mouse presses that are stored for letter use or to be used repeatedly.

19. Define database management system. Right to advantages of using database management system for school.
Answer: Database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that enable users to create, manipulate, maintain database and control all the access to the database. The primary goal of the DBMS is to provide an environment that is both convenient and efficient for user to retrieve and store information.
The advantages of using DBMS for school or as follows:
i) In school, DBMS is used to store the data about students teachers and any other related things at the centralised location.
ii) It provides securities to the personal information of the school and stored in it.

20. (a) State the relationship and difference between a primary and foreign key.
Answer: Relationship between primary key and foreign key:
Foreign key is the column or set of columns in one table that references the primary key column in another table.
Difference between primary and foreign key:
Primary key can’t except null values where is foreign key can accept multiple values.

(b) Write SQL command to create the table VEHICLES with given constraint and also add some information in it.

Column NameData_Type (Size)Constraint
Reg_Nochar (15)Primary Key
Owner_Namevarchar (20)
Addressvarchar (40)

Answer: CREATE TABLE VEHICLES (Reg_No char (15) Primary Key, Reg_Date date, Owner_Name varchar(20), Address varchar(40));
Add information using the INSERT Command:
INSERT INTO VEHICLES VALUES (101, 14-12-23, 'LearnCSE', 'Banglore');

21. (a) What are the benefits of online shopping?
Answer: Online shopping offers convenience, allowing consumers to browse and purchase a vast array of products from the comfort of their homes. It provides access to a global marketplace, enabling shoppers to find unique items and compare prices effortlessly. Additionally, online platforms often feature customer reviews, aiding informed decision-making. The flexibility of 24/7 accessibility and the convenience of doorstep delivery enhance the overall shopping experience. Moreover, frequent discounts and promotions make online shopping cost-effective, saving both time and money for consumers.

(b) How many types of web browser? Explain them.
Answer: There are several web browsers available, each with its unique features. Common ones include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge etc.
1. Google Chrome: Known for speed and simplicity, it is the most widely used browser globally.
2. Mozilla Firefox: Emphasizes privacy and customization, offering a range of add-ons for enhanced user experience.
3. Apple Safari: Integrated with Apple devices, it provides a seamless browsing experience for macOS and iOS users.
4. Microsoft Edge: Developed by Microsoft, it offers compatibility with Windows and innovative features like integration with Microsoft services.
5. Opera: Recognized for built-in tools such as an ad-blocker and free VPN, catering to users seeking additional functionalities.

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