Class 12 Informatics Practices 065 Previous Year Question Paper 2022 – Term 1

Series SSK/3
Question Paper Code 90 Set 4

(Session 2021-22)

Time allowed : 90 minutes
Maximum Marks : 35

General Instructions :

  1. This question paper is divided into 3 Sections – A, B and C.
  2. Section – A, consists of Questions 1 to 25 and student need to attempt 20 questions.
  3. Section – B, consists of Questions 26 to 49 and student need to attempt 20 questions.
  4. Section – C, consists of Questions 50 to 55 and student need to attempt 5 questions.
  5. All questions carry equal marks.


Section A consists of 25 questions, attempt any 20 questions.

1. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a) Can’t change the index of the Series.
b) We can easily convert the list, tuple, and dictionary into a series,
c) A Series represents a single column in memory.
d) We can create an empty Series.

2. What type of error is returned by the following statement ?
import pandas as pa
pa.Series ([1,2,3,4), index = ['a','b', 'c'])

a) Value Error
b) Syntax Error
c) Name Error
d) Logical error

3. Which is an incorrect statement for the python package Numpy?
a) It is a general-purpose array-processing package.
b) Numpy arrays are faster and more compact
c) It is multi-dimensional arrays
d) It is proprietary software

4. The data of any CSV file can be shown in which of the following software?
a) MS Word
b) Notepad
c) Spreadsheet
d) All of the above

5. Which python library is not used for data science?
a) Panda
b) Numpy
c) Matplotlib
d) Tkinter

6. Which method is used to Delete row(s) from DataFrame?
a) .drop() method
b) .del() method
c) .remove() method
d) .delete() method

7. Consider the following code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
x=pd.Series(____) #statement 1
print (x)

output of the above code is:
0 1000
1 8000
dtype: int64
What is the correct statement for the above output in the following statement-1?

a) d=L*3
b) data=L**3
c) L*3
d) [10,20]**3

8. Which library is imported to draw charts in Python?
a) csv
b) matplotlib
c) numpy
d) pandas

9. Which of the following would give the same output as DF/DF1 where DF and DF1 are DataFrames.
a) DF.div(DF1)
b) DF1.div(DF)
c) Divide(DF,DF1)
d) Div(DF,DF1)

10. Which of the following statement is wrong in context of DataFrame?
a) Two dimensional size in Mutable
b) Can perform Arithmetic operations on rows and columns
c) Homogeneous tabular data structure.
d) create DataFrame with nampi ndarray

11. Which attribute is not used with DataFrame?
a) size
b) type
c) empty
d) columns

12. With the outset of Covid-19 schools started online classes but due to continuous online classes students health issues also started. Health practitioner advised the parents to follow a few health tips. Which of the following health tips should not be suggested?
a) The sitting posture should be correct
b) Breaks should be taken in between the online classes
c) To protect the eyes the gadgets should be placed above eye level
d) Wash the eyes regularly

13. The following is automatically granted to the creator or owner of any invention
a) patent
b) copyright
c) trademark
d) licence

14. Himanshi sets up her on company to sale her on range of clothes on Instagram. What type of intellectual property can she use to show that the clothes are made by his company?
a) patents
b) copyright
c) design
d) trademark

15. GPL stands for
a) Guided Public Licence
b) General Public Licence
c) Global Public Licence
d) General Public Letter

16. E-waste is the fastest growing environmental hazards in the world today. If it is not properly treated or disposed of it can cause serious health hazards, therefore The __ has issued a formal set of guidelines for proper handling and disposal of e-waste.
a) Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
b) Department of Information Technology (DIT)
c) Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
d) Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

17. When we create a DataFrame from a list of dictionaries the columns labels are formed by the
a) union of the keys of the dictionaries
b) intersection of the keys of the dictionaries
c) union of the values of the dictionaries
d) intersection of the values of the dictionaries

18. To change the width of bars in bar chart, which of the following arguments with a float value is used?
a) hwidth
b) width
c) breath
d) barwidth

19. Identify the correct option to select first four rows and second to fourth columns from a DataFrame ‘Data’
a) display(Data.iloc[1 : 4, 2 : 4])
b) display(Data.iloc[1 : 5, 2 : 5])
c) print(Data.iloc[0 : 4, 1 : 4])
d) print(Data.iloc[1 : 4, 2 : 4])

20. Which of the following commannd is used to import metplotlib for coding?
a) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
b) import plt.matplotlib as plt
c) import py.matplotlib as plt
d) import pyplot.matplotlib as plt

21. Consider the following statements with reference to Line charts
Statement – A Line graphs is a tool for comparison and is created by plotting a series of several points and connecting them with a straight line.
Statement – B You should never use line chart when the chart is in a continuous data set.
a) Statement A is correct
b) Statement B is correct
c) Statement A is correct but statement B is incorrect
d) Statement A is incorrect but statement B is correct

22. What is not true about data visualization?
a) Graphical representation of information and data
b) Help users in analysing a large amount of data in a simpler way
c) Data visualisation makes Complex data more accessible, understandable and usable
d) No library needs to be imported to create charts in Python language

23. Which attribute is used with Series to count the total number of NaN values?
a) size
b) len
c) count
d) count total

24. Considered the following series in Python :
data = pd.Series([5, 2, 3, 7], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
Which statement will display all odd values?
a) print(data%2==0)
b) print(data(data%2==0))
c) print(data mod 2!=0)
d) print(data[data%2!=0])

25. Priya is a student of class 10 and she is a very frequent user of Internet applications. One day she got an unpleasant message on her instant messenger. What do you think she should do?
a) Start chatting with an unknown person
b) Talk to her parents/teachers or other trusted adult and let them know that she is feeling uncomfortable
c) Ignore the conversation
d) She should delete the chat so that no one comes to know

Section – B

Section B consists of 24 questions pathani (26-49). Attempt any 20 questions.

26. What will be the output of the following code?
import pandas as pd
import numpy
s=pd.Series (data=[31, 54, 34, 89, 12, 23],
print (s>50)


27. The primary law in India dealing with cyber crime and Electronic Commerce is:
a) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2008
b) India’s Digital information technology (DIT) Act, 2000
c) 2000 India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
d) The Technology Act, 2008

28. Consider the following statement with reference to Trademark and Hacking
Statement 1 : Trademark is a document that provides legally binding guidelines for the use and distribution of software
Statement 2 : Hacking is the act of an authorised access to a computer network or any digital system
a) Statement 1 is True but statement 2 is False
b) Statement 1 is False but statement 2 is True
c) Both the statements are True
d) Both the statements are False

29.Consider a following DataFrame :
import pandas as pd
s=pd.Series (data=[31, 54, 34, 89, 12, 23])

Which statement will be used to get the output as 2?
a) print(df.index)
b) print(df.shape())
c) print(df.ndim)
d) print(df.values)

30. Sandhya wants to display the last four rows of the DataFrame df and she has written the following command :
But the first 5 rows are being displayed. To rectify this problem, which of the following statements should be written?
a) df.head()
b) df.last(4)
c) df.tail(4)
d) df.rows(4)

31. There is only 1 day left for Ravisha to submit her science project. Therefore she performed the following activities to complete her task. Which of the following activities can be considered as plagiarism?
a) Downloaded the images that were margd as CC and pasted in her project file
b) Copy the content from some website and pasted in her file
c) Copied the content from the website and gave references about the same in the project
d) Downloaded and installed the open source software for typing the synopsis

32. A contract between the creator and the user to allow the user use his/her work with some price is
a) Agreement
b) Copyright
c) Licence
d) Patent

33. Consider the following series


34. Nowadays for developing machine learning projects programmers relay on CSV files rather than datasases. Why?
a) csv can be used with proprietary software only
b) csv files can be downloaded from open source websites free of cost
c) csv files need not be imported while creating the projects
d) csv is a simple and well formatted mode for data storage

35. Companies get their Trademark registered to protect?
a) logos, names and brands
b) word, phrase or symbol
c) slogans, stylized fonts and colours
d) company furniture, worker, brands

36. DataFrames can be created from ?
a) lists
b) dictionaries
c) theft
d) plasiarism

37. Rohit forgot his laptop in his car and when he came back he found his laptop was missing. This act is
a) Cyber crime
b) Fishing
c) Theft
d) Plagiarism

38. Considered the following statements
Statement A : .loc() is a label based data selecting method to select a specific row(s) or column(s) which we want to select.
Statement B : .iloc() cannot be used with default indices if customised indices are provided.
a) Statement A is true but statement B is false
b) Statement A is false but statement B is true
c) Statement A and statement B both are false
d) Statement A and statement B both are true

39. Abhay is a student of class ‘XII’, and he is aware of some concepts of python. He has created the DataFrame, but he is getting errors after executing the code. Help him by identifying the correct statement that will create the DataFrame:
import pandas as pd

a) df=pd.DataFrame({"Name":stuname,"marks1":term1,"marks2":term2})
b) df=pd.dataframe([stuname,term1,term2],columns=['stuName',"marks1","marks2"])
c) df=pd.DataFrame({stuname,term1,term2})
d) df=pd.dataframe({stuname,term1,term2})

40. Ms Kalpana is working with an IT company, and she wants to create charts from the data provided to her.
She generates the following graph :
Which statement is used to mark the line as given in the above fig :
a) plt.plot(x,y,marker='#' ,markersize=10,color='red',linestyle='dashdot')
b) plt.plot(x,y,marker='star' ,markersize=10,color='red'
c) plt.plot(x,y,marker='@' ,markersize=10,color='red',linestyle='dashdot')
d) plt.plot(x,y,marker='*' ,markersize=10,color='red'

41. Mr Raman created a DataFrame with a numpy array :
arr = np.array([[2, 4, 8], [3, 9, 27], [4, 16, 64]])

Help him to add a customized colum labels to the above DataFrame
a) columns='no','sq','cube'
b) column=['no','sq','cube']
c) columns=['no','sq','cube']
d) columns=[['no','sq','cube']]

42. What will be the output of the following program
import pandas as pd
dic={'Name' : ['Sapna','Anmol','Rishul','Sameep'],'Agg' : [56,67,75,76],

'Age' : [16,18,16,19]}


43. Consider the following code
import pandas as pd
S1=pd.Series([23,24,35,56], index=['a','b','c',d'])

Output for the above code will be:

44. Sudhanshu has written the following code to create a data frame with boolean index :
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
While executing the code, she is getting an error, help her to rectify the code
a) df=pd.DataFrame([True,False,True],data=[5,6,7])
b) df=pd.DataFrame(data=[5,6,7],index=[True,False,True])
c) df=pd.DataFrame([true,false,true],data=[5,6,7])
d) df=pd.DataFrame(index=[true,false,true],data=[[5,6,7]])

45. The rights of the owner of information to decide how much information is to be shared/exchanged/distributed, are collectively known as __.
a) Intelligent Portable Rights
b) Intellectual Property Rights
c) Interactive Property Rights
d) Instance Portability Rights

46. Abhilasha forward to sign out from her Gmail ID and Aditi used Abhilasha’s Gmail id to send mail. This act of Aditi is considered as
a) Plagiarism
b) Identity theft
c) Phishing
d) Piracy

47. The trail that is automatically created when a person uses the internet on any digital devices like laptops, smart phones, tablets etc is called
a) Cyberbullying
b) Phishing
c) Digital Footprints
d) Digital Activity

48. ____ operating system comes under FOSS.
a) Windows
b) Ubuntu
c) Mac
d) Oracle

49. Sushila has created a data frame with the help of the following code:
import pandas
'EMP_SALARY' : [67000,340000,68000,90000,43000]

and she wants to get the following output
Help her to correct the code
a) print(df.iloc['001':'003',:])
b) print(df.loc['001':'003',:])
c) print(EMP[loc[0:3,:]])
d) print(df.loc['001':'004',:])


Section C consists of 6 questions (50-55). Attempt any 5 questions

Case Study

Ms Ramdeep Kaur maintains the records of all students of her class. She wants to perform some operations on the data:

import pandas as pd
t= ('Rollno' :[101,102,103,104,105,106,107],
'Name' : [Shubrato''Krishna','Pranshu','Gurpreet','Arpit','Sanidhya','Aurobindo'],
'Marks' : ['11B','11A','11B','11C','11E','11A','11C']}
df = pd.DataFrame (t,index=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70])

Output of the above code :
Based on the given information, answer question number 50-55

50. Select the correct statement for the below output:
a) print(df.iloc[2])
b) print(df.loc[2])
c) print(df.iloc[20])
d) print(df.loc[20])

51. The teacher wants to know the marks secured by the second large student only. Which statement would help her to get the correct answer?
a) print(df.loc[60:70,'Marks'])
b) print(df.loc[60:60,'Marks'])
c) print(df.loc[-2:-2],['Marks'])
d) print(df[-2:-2,['Marks'])

52. Which of the following statement(s) will add a new column ‘fee’ at the second position with values [3200,3400,4500,3100,3200,4000,3700] in DataFrame df?
a) df.insert(loc=2,column='fee',value=[3200,3400,4500,3100,3200,4000,3700])
b) df.add(2,column='fee',[3200,3400,4500,3100,3200,4000,3700])
c) df.append(loc=2,'fee'=[3200,3400,4500,3100,3200,4000,3700])
d) df.insert(loc=2,'fee',[3200,3400,4500,3100,3200,4000,3700])

53. Which of the following commands is used to delete the column ‘Grade’ in the DataFrame df?
a) df.drop('Grade',axis=1,inplace=True)
b) df.drop('Grade',axis=0,inplace=True)
c) df.drop['Grade',axis=1,inplace=True]
d) df.delete('Grade',axis=1,inplace=True)

54. Which of the following commands would rename the column ‘Marks’ in the DataFrame df?
a) df.rename(['Marks','Halfyearly'],inplace=True)
b) df.rename({'Marks','Halfyearly'},inplace=True)
c) df.rename(column={'Marks':'Halfyearly'},inplace=True)
d) df.rename(['Marks':'Halfyearly'],inplace=True)

55. Which of the following commands will display the Names and Marks of all students getting more than 80 marks?
a) print(df.loc['Marks'>80,['Name','Marks']])
b) print(df.loc[df['Marks']<80,'Name','Marks'])
c) print(df.loc[df['Marks']<80,['Name','Marks']])
d) print(df.loc[df['Marks']>80,['Name','Marks']])

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