Class 12 Web Applications 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2020 – New

Series HMJ
Question Paper Code 327 Set 4

(Session 2019-20)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 60

General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :

  1. This question paper consists of two sections viz. Section A : Employability Skills and Section B : Subject Skills.
  2. Section A : Employability Skills (10 Marks)
    • Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each.
    • Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each.
  3. Section B : Subject Skills (50 Marks)
    • Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each.
    • Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions of 2 marks each.
    • Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions of 3 marks each.
    • Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 5 marks each.
  4. This question paper contains 42 questions out of which 30 questions are to be answered.
  5. All questions of a particular part/section must be attempted in the correct order.
  6. The maximum time allowed is 3 hours.

SECTION A (Employability Skills) (10 Marks)

Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each. (1X4=4)

1. Name the term used for the process of creating a non-fiction text about current or recent news, items of general interest or specific topic.

2. ____ is defined as the drive required to engage in goal-oriented behaviour.

3. ____ directs the behaviour towards satisfying our specific bodily needs.

4. The shortcut key to paste selected text or object in a computer is ____.
d) None of the above

5. A/An ____ may be defined as an underlying characteristic of a person which results in effective and/or superior performance in a job.
a) Motivation
b) Reliance
c) Competence
d) Inspiration

6. Solar energy is a form of green/clean energy. (True/False)

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each. (2X3=6)

7. Write any four different kinds of sentences that you know ?

8. Why is self-motivation important ? Explain with two points only.

9. Give any two advantages of a spreadsheet software.

10. Give any two benefits of entrepreneurial competencies.

11. List any two steps that green jobs can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

SECTION B (Subject Skills) (50 Marks)

Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each. (1X10=10)

12. Application software that handles the post-production video editing of digital video sequences on a computer are called
a) NLE
b) Notepad
c) MS-Word
d) Movie Editing Tools

13. VirtualDub is a video capture/processing software, licensed under
a) Microsoft
b) GPL
c) General Purpose Use
d) General Private Use

14. ____ is an offline playback, editing, encoding, animation and visual effects tool based on the Jahshaka technology.

15. Name the software that is meant for editing the kind of movies that VirtualDub can not.

16. XML stands for
a) Xtra Markup Language
b) Extensible Markup Language
c) Extensible Marking Language
d) Extensive Marked Language

17. .gif, .tga, .ps are examples of ____ images.
a) audio
b) video
c) image
d) sound

18. MIDI stands for
a) Musical Instrumental Digitized Interleave
b) Music Instrument Drama Interface
c) Multimedia Digital Interface
d) Musical Instrument Digital Interface

19. JavaScript was developed by
a) Brendan Eich
b) Dennis Ritchie
c) Robert Hooke

20. DOM stands for ____.

21. Variables in JavaScript can be declared using
a) VAR
b) Var
c) var
d) Dim

22. % in JavaScript is an example of
a) Arithmetic operator
b) Relational operator
c) Bitwise shift operator
d) Unary operator

23. Numbers in JavaScript are double-precision
a) 32-bit format
b) 128-bit format
c) 64-bit format
d) 16-bit format

Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions of 2 marks each. (2X5=10)

24. Explain WAX and the different modes in which it can work.

25. Write any two features of AVITricks.

26. Write any two features of timeline view in Windows Movie Maker.

27. Name two image file formats that are popular for FTP and WWW. Also state whether they are compressible or not.

28. Give any two tips to remember while writing JavaScript commands.

29. Write the output of the given code :
Class 12 WA 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2019-Q.29

30. Explain the following terms :
(a) Code Optimization
(b) Fix Errors

Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions of 3 marks each. (3X5=15)

31. Give two examples of each type of video, audio and picture file formats supported by Windows Movie Maker.

32. Is it possible to undo trim changes in a clip in Windows Movie Maker ? Explain the term contiguous clips. Name the two file formats in which a movie file is stored in Windows Movie Maker.

33. Explain any three attributes of object tag.

34. Give and explain any three applications of JavaScript.

35. Write a code in JavaScript that accepts a binary number from the user and displays its decimal equivalent number.

36. Explain the use of CSS. Also suggest two websites that offer free designs.

37. Write a code in JavaScript to accept five numbers from user, store them in an array, and display the sorted array.

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 5 marks each. (5X3=15)

38. Explain the following terms :
(a) MIDI
(b) Helper Applications
(c) MixPod
(d) Google Reader MP3 Player
(e) Free Video Coding

39. Give a brief note on the following file extensions :
(a) .mid
(b) .snd
(c) .avi
(d) .cvs
(e) .psd

40. Write a code in JavaScript to accept a number from the user and generate
(a) a random number greater than the number entered.
(b) next even number after the number entered.

41. Write a program in JavaScript to accept marks in three subjects, display the total marks obtained, the percentage, and the grade as per the norms given below :
Class 12 WA 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2019-Q.41

42. What may be the possible output of the following snippets :
(a) Predict the output of the following :
Class 12 WA 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2019-Q.42a
Rewrite the following using switch case statement :
Class 12 WA 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2019-Q.42b

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