Class 12 Web Applications 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2024

Series ∊FGHE
Question Paper Code 327 Set 4

(Session 2023-24)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 60

General Instructions :

  1. Please read the instructions carefully.
  2. This question paper consists of 24 questions, in two Sections : Section A and Section B.
  3. Section A has Objective type questions, whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
  4. Out of the given (6 + 18 =) 24 questions, a candidate has to answer (6 + 11 =) 17 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 3 hours.
  5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
  6. Section A : Objective Type Questions (30 marks) :
    • This section has 6 questions.
    • There is no negative marking.
    • Do as per the instructions given.
    • Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
  7. Section B : Subjective Type Questions (30 marks) :
    • This section has 18 questions.
    • A candidate has to do 11 questions.
    • Do as per the instructions given.
    • Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

SECTION – A (Objective Type Questions) (30 Marks)

1. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions on employability skills.

(i) _____ can result in confusion, frustration, wasted effort and missed opportunities.
(a) Verbal communication
(b) Clear communication
(c) Accurate communication
(d) Lack of communication

(ii) Individuals having such a trait are generally kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm and considerate. They accommodate themselves in any situation.
Identify the personality trait mentioned above from the following :
(a) Neuroticism
(b) Agreeableness
(c) Consciousness
(d) Extraversion

(iii) A friend of yours sticks to the rules and regulations. She is excessively concerned with orderliness, perfectionism and attention to detail and feels extremely uncomfortable when she is unable to achieve perfection. She is suffering from _____.
(a) Dependent personality disorder
(b) Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder
(c) Avoidant personality disorder
(d) Narcissistic personality disorder

(iv) ______ is the shortcut key to add a new blank slide in a presentation software.
(a) Alt + N
(b) Ctrl + N
(c) Ctrl + M
(d) Ctrl + S

(v) Which one of the following is not a quality of a successful entrepreneur ?
(a) Willingness to take initiative
(b) Unwillingness to take risks
(c) Ability to learn from experience
(d) Self-confidence

(vi) _____ is the process by which we can grow plants and crops in an environment-friendly way.
(a) Synthetic gardening
(b) Fertilizer gardening
(c) Organic gardening
(d) Inorganic gardening

2. Answer any 5 out of the given 7 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) The first release of Windows Movie Maker was included with _____ in the year 2000.
(a) Windows ME
(b) Windows Vista
(c) Windows 2000
(d) Windows 3.0

(ii) Which of the following statement is not true about Blender Software ?
(a) It is an open source software.
(b) Huge amount of money is required to buy its license.
(c) It is a 3D content creation suite.
(d) It is available for all major operating systems under the GNU GPL.

(iii) The _____ is the default view in Windows Movie Maker. We can use it to look at the sequence or for ordering of the clips in the project and easily rearranging them.
(a) Data Pane
(b) Storyboard
(c) Contents Pane
(d) Preview Monitor

(iv) Which one of the following is not an advantage of using multimedia on a webpage ?
(a) Greater immersion
(b) Enhanced page rankings for SEO
(c) Better branding
(d) Longer loading times

(v) PDF stands for _____ Document Format.
(a) Printable
(b) Portable
(c) Pictorial
(d) Pixel

(vi) _____ is a program that acts as a go-between for an instrument and something that creates the sound.
(a) GIF
(b) JPEG
(c) MIDI
(d) MIID

(vii) _____ is the media that uses multiple forms of information content and information processing to inform or entertain the user.
(a) Images
(b) Notice
(c) Multimedia
(d) Graphics

3. Answer any 6 out of the given 7 questions. (6X1=6)

(i) Which of the following is not a valid extension of video files ?
(a) .wmv
(b) .avi
(c) .mp3
(d) .mpg

(ii) In Windows Movie Maker, ‘Publish Movie’ option is available under _____ menu.
(a) File
(b) Tools
(c) Edit
(d) Movie

(iii) Suyash has written the following code to play a sound file in the web browser. Complete the code by using appropriate attribute and value in the given code so that the audio controls are not visible on the webpage.
<EMBED SRC="he-knows.mp3" ______ AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="infinite" Height=145 width=160></EMBED>

(iv) BGSOUND tag works only in _____ and not in any other browser.
(a) Netscape Navigator
(b) IE
(c) Mozilla Firefox
(d) Opera

(v) Identify the type of the media player from the given value of type attribute of <object> tag.
type = “application/x-mplayer2”

(a) Windows Media Player
(b) QuickTime
(c) RealPlayer
(d) Flash

(vi) MixPod creates a/an _____ to embed into our site.
(a) free flash widget
(b) image
(c) webpage
(d) HTML code

(vii) _____ auto-detects links to MP3 files in our web pages and creates an embedded player for each link.
(a) HTML
(b) Yahoo Media Player
(c) bgsound
(d) bgaudio

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) In Windows Movie Maker, we can import several video clips at once. For consecutive clips, click the first video clip in the list, press and hold down the _____ key and then click the last clip in the list.
(a) ALT
(c) CTRL
(d) Fn

(ii) A _____ image consists of a field of pixels and is usually created using MS Paint/scanning images etc.
(a) raster
(b) vector
(c) XML
(d) spider

(iii) JavaScript is a/an _____.
(a) procedural computer programming language
(b) interpreted computer programming language
(c) image computer programming language
(d) audio processing programming language

(iv) Complete the following JavaScript code given below to import external JavaScript file "hello.js" in the program.
<script type="text/javascript" _____></script>

(v) Write a statement in JavaScript to declare a variable num1 and initialize it with value 10+20.

(vi) Write the equivalent expression in JavaScript for the following :

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) What will be the output of the following JavaScript code ?
var k=[1,2,3];
document.write (k.length);

(a) 4
(b) 20
(c) 21
(d) Error

(ii) How many times will the following loop run ?
while (true)
{document.write ("hello");}

(iii) JavaScript objects are simply collections of name-value pairs where the name part is a JavaScript _____.
(a) number
(b) expression
(c) string
(d) keyword

(iv) Consider the following JavaScript code and predict the output :
<script type = "text/javascript">
function mFun(x,y)
{return x+y+NaN;}

(v) A _____ is a classification of the type of data that a variable or object can hold.
(a) variable
(b) object
(c) data type
(d) literal

(vi) Write the full form of PSD.

6. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (5X1=5)

(i) Snippets can be inserted only in split or _____ view.

(ii) Which of the following is not a scripting language ?
(a) JavaScript
(c) PHP
(d) Basic

(iii) IntelliSense feature automatically provides a list of codes and attributes as a popup when you work in the _____ mode.
(a) Code View
(b) Hardware
(c) Configuration of Connection
(d) Artificial Intelligence

(iv) Details collected from a form are saved in a _____ with corresponding fields.
(a) Template
(b) Database
(c) Form
(d) Report

(v) DWT is Dynamic Web _____.
(a) Technology
(b) Template
(c) Transitions
(d) Transmissions

(vi) KompoZer and Dreamweaver are _____.
(a) CSS templates
(b) Scripting languages
(c) Web authoring tools
(d) Web designing languages

SECTION B (Subjective Type Questions) (30 Marks)

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions on employability skills. Answer each question in 20 – 30 words. (3X2=6)

7. Explain active and passive sentences with an example of each.

8. Mention any two ways to maintain a positive attitude.

9. Mr. Ajay, the class teacher of grade-12 has created a worksheet to store marks obtained by students of his class in three class tests – CT-1, CT-2 and CT-3, as shown below :

Answer the following questions with respect to the given worksheet :
(a) Write the formula to find total marks of all students in CT-3.
(b) Write the formula to calculate the percentage of total marks of Dheeraj.
(Percentage= (Total of marks in CT-1, CT-2 and CT-3)/0.90)
Note : Maximum marks for each class test is 30 in the above example.

10. A successful entrepreneur should have good interpersonal skills. Why ?

11. Give any two benefits of green jobs.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 20 – 30 words each. (3X2=6)

12. Write a short note on Odeo MP3 player. Also, mention the major issues related to this application.

13. How is Client-Side JavaScript different from Server-Side JavaScript ? Briefly discuss.

14. Write a function in JavaScript to calculate the sum of numbers from 2 to 20 (including both values).

15. Raunak has written a code in JavaScript to store information about an object and he wishes to display the colour of the object obj but the code is not running properly. Rectify the errors(s) and rewrite the corrected code. Also underline the corrections done in the given code.

16. What is SEO ? Briefly explain.

    Answer any 2 out of the given 3 questions in 30 – 50 words each. (2X3=6)

    17. Explain timeline view and its use in Windows Movie Maker.

    18. (a) Explain bitwise AND operator with an example.
    (b) Explain shift() function in JavaScript.

    19. Briefly explain the following terms :
    (a) Code optimization
    (b) Page transitions

      Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50 – 80 words each. (3X4=12)

      20. Mr. Rakshit has just added required audio/video clips and images while creating a movie on the topic “Save Earth”.
      Now he wants to insert titles and credits. Help him by mentioning main steps to achieve the desired task.

      21. Explain the purpose of any four attributes of <EMBED> tag.

      22. (a) What are events in JavaScript ? Explain onMouseOver event in JavaScript.
      (b) Write a function in JavaScript that accepts an integer argument n and prints average of 1 to n numbers.

      23. What are inner functions in JavaScript ? Explain with an example.

      24. Write a code in JavaScript to accept two strings S1 and S2 and find the position of occurrence of S2 in S1. Display the position of S2 using alert message.

      25. Write output of the following :
      var str="Honesty is the best policy";

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