Class 12 CS 083 Previous Year Question Paper 2024

Series &RQPS
Question Paper Code 91 Set 4

(Session 2023-24)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

  1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
  2. All questions are compulsory.
  3. Section A have 18 questions carrying I nark each.
  4. Section B has 7 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 2 marks each.
  5. Section C has 5 Short Answer type questions carrying 3 marks each.
  6. Section D has 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 5 marks each.
  7. Section E has 2 questions carrying 4 marks each. One internal choice is
  8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.


1. State True or False :
While defining a function in Python, the positional parameters in the function header must always be written after the default parameters.

2. The SELECT statement when combined with ____ clause, returns records without repetition.
(d) NULL

3. What will be the output of the following statement :
print (165/42/5-8)
(a) -3.33
(b) 6.0
(c) 0.0
(d) -13.33

4. What possible output from the given options is expected to be displayed when the following Python code is executed ?
import random
Signal = ['RED', 'YELLOW', 'GREEN']
for K in range(2, 0, -1)
R = random. randrange (K)
print (Signal[R], end = '#')

(a) YELLOW # RED #
(b) RED # GREEN #
(c) GREEN # RED #

5. In SQL, the aggregate function which will display the cardinality of the table is ____.
(a) sum()
(b) count ()
(c) avg()
(d) sum()

6. Which protocol out of the following is used to send and receive emails over a computer network ?
(a) PPP
(b) HTTP
(c) FIP
(d) SMTP

7. Identify the invalid Python statement from the following :
(a) d = dict()
(b) e = {}
(c) f= []
(d) g = dict{}

8. Consider the statements given below and then choose the correct output from the given options :
print (myStr[:4]+"#"+myStr[-5:])


9. Identify the statement from the following which will raise an error :
(a) print (“A”3)
(b) print (53)
(c) print(“15” + 3)
(d) print(“15” + “13”)

10. Select the correct output of the following code :
event="G20 Presidency@2023"
L=event.split(' ')
print (L[: :-2])

(a) ‘G20’
(b) [‘Presidency@2023’]
(c) [‘G20’]
(d) ‘Presidency@2023’

11. Which of the following options is the correct unit of measurement for network bandwidth ?
(a) KB
(b) Bit
(c) Hz
(d) Km

12. Observe the given Python code carefully :
def convert (a):
convert (10)
print (a)

Select the correct output from the given options :
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) Error

13. State whether the following statement is True or False :
While handling exceptions in Python, name of the exception has to be compulsorily added with except clause.

14. Which of the following is not a DDL command in SQL ?
(a) DROP

15. Fill in the blank:
____ is a set of rules that needs to be followed by the communicating parties in order to have a successful and reliable data communication over a network.

16. Consider the following Python statement :
F=open ('CONTENT .TXT')
Which of the following is an invalid statement in Python ?


Q. 17 and 18 are ASSERTION (A) and REASONING (R) based questions. Mark the correct choice as
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct. explanation for (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation for (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.

17. Assertion (A) : CSV file is a human readable text file where each line has a number of fields, separated by comma or some other delimiter.
Reason (R) : writerow() method is used to write a single row in a CSV file.

18. Assertion (A) : The expression “HELLO”.sort() in Python will give an error.
Reason (R) : sort() does not exist as a method/function for strings in Python.


19. (A) (i) Expand the following terms :
(ii) Give one difference between circuit switching and packet switching.
(B) (i) Define the term web hosting.
(ii) Name any two web browsers.

20. The code given below accepts five numbers and displays whether they are even or odd :
Observe the following code carefully and rewrite it after removing all syntax and logical errors :
Underline all the corrections made.

def EvenOdd ()
for i in range(5):
num=int (input ("Enter a number")
if num/2==0:
print ("Even")
print ("Odd")
EvenOdd ()

21 (A) Write a user defined function in Python named showGrades (S) which takes the dictionary S as an argument. The dictionary, S contains Name: [Eng,Math,Science] as key:value pairs. The function displays the corresponding grade obtained by the students according to the following grading rules :
For example : Consider the following dictionary
S={"AMIT" : [92,86,64] ,"NAGMA": [65, 42,43] , "DAVID" : [92,90,88] }
The output should be :
(B) Write a user defined function in Python named Puzzle (W,N) which takes the argument W as an English word and N as an integer and returns the string where every Nth alphabet of the word W is replaced with an underscore (“_”).
For example : if W contains the word “TELEVISION” and N is 3, then the function should return the string “TE_EV_SI_N”. Likewise for the word “TELEVISION” if N is 4, then the function should return

22. Write the output displayed on execution of the following Python code :
for S in LS :
if len(S)%4 == 0:
D[S] = len(S)
for K in D :
print(K,D[K], sep = "#")

23. (A) Write the Python statement for each of the following tasks using built-in functions/methods only :
(i) To remove the item whose key is “NISHA” from a dictionary named Students.
For example, if the dictionary Students contains {“ANITA”:90, “NISHA”:76, “ASHA”:92}, then after removal the dictionary should contain {“ANITA”:90, “ASHA” : 92}
(ii) To display the number of occurrences of the substring “is” in a string named message.
For example if the string message contains “This is his book”, then the output will be 3.
A tuple named subject stores the names of different subjects. Write the Python commands to convert the given tuple to a list and thereafter delete the last element of the list.

24. (A) Ms. Veda created a table named Sports in a MySQL database, containing columns Game_id, P_Age and G_name.
After creating the table, she realized that the attribute, Category has to be added. Help her to write a command to add the Category column. Thereafter, write the command to insert the following record in the table :
Game_id: G42
P_Age : Above 18
G_name : Chess
Category : Senior

(B) Write the SQL commands to perform the following tasks :
(i) View the list of tables in the database, Exam.
(ii) View the structure of the table, Term1.

25. Predict the output of the following code :
def callon (b=20,a=10):
print (b,"#",a)
return b

x=callon (x,y)
print (x,"@",y)
y=callon (y)
print (x,"@",y)


26. Write the output on execution of the following Python code :
="Racecar Car Radar"
for W in L :
x=W.upper ()
if x==x[::-1]:
for I in x:
print (I,end="*")
for I in W:
print (I,end="#")
print ()

27. Consider the table ORDERS given below and write the output of the SQL queries that follow :


28. (A) Write a user defined function in Python named showInLines () which reads contents of a text file named STORY.TXT and displays every sentence in a separate line.
Assume that a sentence ends with a full stop (.), a question mark (?), or an exclamation mark (!).
For example, if the content of file STORY. TXT is as follows :
Our parents told us that we must eat vegetables to be healthy. And it turns out, our parents were right! So, what else did our parents tell?
Then the function should display the file’s content as follows :
Our parents told us that we must eat vegetables to be healthy.
And it turns out, our parents were right!
So, what else did our parents tell?
(B) Write a function, c_words()in Python that separately counts and displays the number of uppercase and lowercase alphabets in a text file, Words. txt.

29. Consider the table Projects given below :
Based on the given table, write SQL queries for the following :
(i) Add the constraint, primary key to column P_id in the existing table Projects.
(ii) To change the language to Python of the project whose id is P002.
(iii) To delete the table Projects from MySQL database along with its data.

30. Consider a list named Nums which contains random integers.
Write the following user defined functions in Python and perform the specified operations on a stack named BigNums.

(i) PushBig() : It checks every number from the list Nums and pushes all such numbers which have 5 or more digits into the stack, BigNums.
(ii) PopBig() : It pops the numbers from the stack, BigNums and displays them. The function should also display “Stack Empty” when there are no more numbers left in the stack.
For example: If the list Nums contains the following data :
Nums = [213,10025,167,254923,14,1297653 , 31498 , 386, 92765]
Then on execution of PushBig(), the stack BigNums should store:
[10025, 254923, 1297653, 31498, 92765]
And on execution of PopBig() , the following output should be displayed :
Stack Empty


31. Consider the tables Admin and Transport given below :
Write SQL queries for the following :
(i) Display the student name and their stop name from the tables Admin and Transport.
(ii) Display the number of students whose S_type is not known.
(iii) Display all details of the students whose name starts with ‘V’.
(iv) Display student id and address in alphabetical order of student name, from the table Admin.

32. Sangeeta is a Python programmer working in a computer hardware company. She has to maintain the records of the peripheral devices. She created a csv file named Peripheral.csv, to store the details. The structure of Peripheral .csv is:
[P_id, P_name, Price]
P_id is Peripheral device ID (integer)
P_name is Peripheral device name (String)
Price is Peripheral device price (integer)
Sangeeta wants to write the following user defined functions :
Add_Device() : to accept a record from the user and add it to a csv file, Peripheral.csv.
Count_Device() : To count and display number of peripheral devices whose price is less than 1000.


33. Infotainment Ltd. is an event management company with its prime office located in Bengaluru. The company is planning to open its new division at three different locations in Chennai named as – Vajra, Trishula and Sudershana.
You, as a networking expert need to suggest solutions to the questions in part (i) to (v), keeping in mind the distances and other given parameters.
(i) Suggest and draw the cable layout to efficiently connect various locations in Chennai division for connecting the digital devices.
(ii) Which block in Chennai division should host the server ? Justify your answer.
(iii) Which fast and effective wired transmission medium should be used to connect the prime office at Bengaluru with the Chennai division ?
(iv) Which network device will be used to connect the digital devices within each location of Chennai division so that they may communicate with each other ?
(v) A considerable amount of data loss is noticed between different locations of the Chennai division, which are connected in the network. Suggest a networking device that should be installed to refresh the data and reduce the data loss during transmission to and from different locations of Chennai division.

34. (A) (i) Differentiate between ‘w’ and ‘a’ file modesin Python.
(ii) Consider a binary file, items.dat, containing records stored in the given format :
{item_id: [item_name, amount] }
Write a function, Copy_new(), that copies all records whose amount is greater than 1000 from items.dat to new_items.dat.
(B) (i) What is the advantage of using with clause while opening a data file in Python ? Also give syntax of with clause.
A binary file, EMP.DAT has the following structure :
[Emp Id, Name, Salary]
Emp _Id : Employee id
Name : Employee Name
Salary : Employee Salary
Write a user defined function, disp_Detail (), that would read the contents of the file EMP.DAT and display the details of those employees whose salary is below 25000.

35 (A) (i) Define cartesian product with respect to RDBMS.
(ii) Sunil wants to write a program in Python to update the quantity to 20 of the records whose item code is 111 in the table named shop in MySQL database named Keeper.
The table shop in MySQL contains the following attributes :
Item_code: Item code (Integer)
Item_name: Name of item (String)
Qty: Quantity of item (Integer)
Price: Price of item (Integer)
Consider the following to establish connectivity between Python and MySQL:
Username: admin
Password : Shopping
Host: localhost
(B) (i) Give any two features of SQL.
(ii) Sumit wants to write a code in Python to display all the details of the passengers from the table flight in MySQL database, Travel. The table contains the following attributes :
F_code: Flight code (String)
F_name: Name of flight (String)
Source: Departure city of flight (String)
Destination: Destination city of flight (String)
Consider the following to establish connectivity between Python and MySQL :
Username : root
Password : airplane
Host : localhost

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