7th Indian Mobile Congress 2023 Inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi

In a significant address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi underscored India’s burgeoning prowess in the field of technology and innovation. He pointed out that while the country might have missed certain technological opportunities in the past, it is now on the cusp of assuming a prominent global role in thought leadership. India has already carved a niche for itself as a thought leader in various digital domains, notably exemplified by its pioneering work in digital payments through the Unified Payments Interface.


Prime Minister Modi highlighted a striking transformation. In the years preceding 2014, India primarily relied on imports for its mobile phones. However, the landscape has since evolved, with India evolving into a notable mobile phone exporter. The nation has successfully ascended to the position of being the world’s second-largest manufacturer of mobile devices.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister drew attention to India’s burgeoning prowess in the export of electronic goods, an industry now valued at Rs 2 lakh crore. This underscores the remarkable growth and strength of India’s electronics sector on the global stage. The message is clear: India is on a trajectory of remarkable growth and influence, especially in the tech and electronics realms, ready to take the lead and set the pace for the world.

India Mobile Congress (IMC)

The Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) holds the distinction of being the largest and most influential gathering in Asia, seamlessly blending the realms of telecom, media, and technology. This grand event is made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI). Since its inception, IMC has solidified its reputation as the premier forum for convening industry leaders, government representatives, academia, and various ecosystem stakeholders. It is the epicenter where the latest trends in Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (TMT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are discussed, showcased, and brought to life.

What is Indian Mobile Congress (IMC)?

Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) is not just a tech event; it is an extravaganza of ideas, innovations, and connections. In addition to being Asia’s most significant technology showcase, it stands as the foremost networking event in India’s tech landscape. Through captivating displays of pioneering technologies and trailblazing ideas, our mission is to propel India onto the global stage, positioning it as a beacon of comprehensive digital transformation that is shaping the future for not just the nation but the world at large. IMC is where technology meets aspiration, where innovation meets action, and where India’s digital future becomes a global inspiration.

The Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2023 is one of the most eagerly awaited technology events in India and beyond. This annual gathering brings together the best and brightest minds in the mobile and digital technology industry to explore, discuss, and shape the future of this ever-evolving landscape. IMC 2023 promises to be a platform where industry leaders, policymakers, innovators, and technology enthusiasts come together to discover the groundbreaking themes that are reshaping our digital future.

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